





  • He came back late and crept in on tiptoe .

    他回来晚了, 脚尖 悄悄进来。

  • He went into the room on tiptoe .

    蹑手蹑脚 进了屋子。

  • If he stood on tiptoe he could reach the shelf .

    要是踮 脚尖,他能够 着那个架子。

  • Walking on tiptoe I approached him behind .

    脚尖 ,我 悄悄走到他的身后。

  • I stood tiptoe upon a little hill .


  • I bent over and he stood on tiptoe to give me a peck on the chin .

    我弯下腰,他 脚尖 我下巴就匆匆一吻。

  • He was very careful and walked on tiptoe .

    他小心翼翼, 脚尖 走路

  • The uncivil little thing stood on tiptoe and whispered a sentence in Heathcliff 's ear .

    这个没礼貌的小东西踮 脚尖,对着希刺克厉夫的耳朵小声说了一句话。

  • Elephants walk on tiptoe they can walk in the mud easily .

    大象在泥走 热切,他们能容易地走。

  • My mother would tuck me in turn out the lights and tiptoe out .

    母亲会给我掖好被子,关上灯,然后 蹑手蹑脚走出去。

  • Love enters with a tiptoe and leaves with the slamming of the door .

    爱踮着 脚尖 鬼鬼祟祟进来,走的 时候 却是“砰!”关上了门。

  • They walked on tiptoe across the hot sand .

    他们 走过了滚烫的沙地。

  • He inflated his chest ; he seemed to rise on tiptoe to make his concluding speech .

    他鼓起了胸膛、好像还 了脚尖开始说结语。

  • Perhaps we 're just clowns standing on tiptoe at the edge of a cliff ?

    我们所做的事,该不会只和 双手倒立在 悬崖边的小丑一样愚蠢吧?

  • I hurt my tiptoe last night while walking in the dark .

    昨晚在黑暗中走路,不 小心踢到了 脚趾

  • Tiptoe she tiptoed past the sleeping children .


  • She went away walking on tiptoe out of the room .


  • Though he walked into the room on tiptoe he still woke up his father .

    虽然他 蹑手蹑脚的走进房间还是吵醒了他父亲。

  • She slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window .

    她溜下床, 蹑手蹑脚 窗户 旁边

  • They stretched their arms and stood on tiptoe .

    他们伸出手臂 站着。

  • He stood on tiptoe to scan the crowd .

    起脚 人群里看。

  • If you are organized you can tiptoe between all these retrograde dates and time your actions perfectly .

    如果你计划好了,你可以在逆行的日子 脚尖 小心 行事,你会完美的度过那些日子。

  • He came on tiptoe .


  • She leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it .

    她把自行车斜靠在石墙上, 起脚 墙内张望。

  • Those who have looked on tiptoe to time have now become pale memories .

    那些曾经 踮脚 张望的时光,如今已成为苍白的回忆。

  • Standing on tiptoe the boy looked over the wall .

    那孩子 望墙外。

  • I am on the tiptoe of expectation for his coming .

    翘首 以待他来。

  • The girl is standing on tiptoe .

    那少女 脚尖站立

  • He had to stand on tiptoe to reach the shelf .

    他得 才够 架子。

  • She walks on tiptoe .
