tort of negligence

[法] 过失侵权行为

  • From the perspectives of the tort theory legislation of other countries and law theories both liability without negligence and liability for negligence can be applied to environmental tort .

    侵权法的理论和世界各国的立法、判例和学说来看,在环境侵权领域应是同时适用无 过错责任原则和过错责任原则。

  • Failure to do so is the tort of negligence .

    如果没有 注意的话,就 构成过失 责任

  • Aiming at the duty of care in the tort of negligence this thesis take the exhaustive analyze of the concept character history and development scope cognizance standard of the duty of care through the methods of comparative analysis historical analysis and case analysis .

    针对 过失 侵权 行为 上的注意义务问题,本文采取比较分析法、历史分析法和案例分析法对注意义务的概念、性质、历史发展、适用范围、认定标准进行了详尽的分析。

  • And CPA will be liable for intentional tort liability or civil liability of negligence because of intention or negligence under tort law .

    而在侵权法下,注册会计师因主观上的故意或过失作出虚假陈述时将承担故意 侵权或者 过失 侵权民事责任。

  • Duty of care as an important concept in the two legal systems tort law is to determine the key factors of negligence and perfect the negligence determination system of tort law has an important value .

    注意义务作为两大法系 侵权法上的重要概念,是判定 过失 侵权的关键性因素, 完善我国侵权法中的过失侵权判定制度具有重要的价值。

  • Constitutive Elements of Tort of Negligence for Violation of Informed Consent in Anglo-American Law

    论英美法违反告知后同意 过失 侵权的构成要件

  • As stated in Tortious Liability Law such liability is a tort liability in nature with components as following : the illegal act of violating the duty the consequence the causality and negligence .

    《侵权责任法》明确了责任的性质是一种 侵权责任,其 侵权构成要件包括:违反 医疗告知义务的违法行为、 损害后果、因果关系和 存在 过失

  • Medical tort liability is usually a part of the tort liability as a medical tort liability of the cornerstones of the responsibility for medical negligence in the error in the medical field of concrete .

    医疗侵权责任是一般侵权责任的一个组成部分,作为医疗 侵权责任的 构成 要件之一的医疗 过失为侵权责任 中的过错在医疗专业领域的具体 体现

  • From the form of liability both patient and medical negligence cases the type of infringement that is the general medical negligence and medical malpractice tort set out a three-pronged approach ; on the second part of the specific general medical negligence and tort liability .

    从责任形式、医患双方及医疗过失侵权案件的类型即一般医疗过失 侵权和医疗事故三方面进行阐述;第二部分具体论述一般医疗 过失侵权及责任。

  • Experts from civil liability arising from improper practice primarily in the tort law of negligence to be resolved the principle of fault liability in judicial practice has been generally recognized .

    专家因执业不当产生的民事责任主要是在 过失 侵权 行为法中得以解决的,过错责任原则已经在司法实践中获得了普遍认同。

  • On Duty of Care in the Tort of Negligence

    一般 侵权 行为中的注意义务

  • Including whether parents can become tort subject whether illegal promise to parents resistance is effective whether the parents of the damage occurred can fault negligence offset .

    包括父母能否成为 侵权主体,父母阻却违法的允诺是否有效,父母对损害发生有过错能否 适用 过失相抵三个方面。

  • Constitutive Elements of Liability for the Tort of Negligence in Australia

    澳大利亚 过失 侵权 民事责任的构成

  • In the multiple persons ' tort system theoretical research of multiple persons ' tort with no contributory intention or negligence connects with the clarification of joint torts theory .

    在数人 侵权体系中,无意思联络的数人侵权行为的理论研究离不开共同侵权行为理论的廓清,两者之间蕴涵着紧张的、 此消彼长的矛盾关系。

  • Tort is usually committed as the result of a person 's fault or negligence that causes damage loss or injury to the body or property of another person .

    侵权通常是指因某人的过失或 疏忽,而对其他人的身体或财物造成损害或损失。

  • This thesis is divided into the following four parts totally : The first part mainly discussed the important position of the duty of care in the tort of negligence .

    本文共分以下四个部分:第一部分主要论述了注意义务在 过失 侵权 责任中的重要地位。

  • Liability for tort liability for breach of contract and liability for treaty negligence are three types of civil liability .

    侵权 责任、违约责任和缔约 过失责任是民事责任的三种类型。

  • Be showed from this the duty of care is the core concept that constitutes the tort liability of negligence .

    由此可见,注意义务是构成 过失 侵权责任的核心概念。

  • Near the birth of tort law perfection of regulations with respect to multiple persons ' torts with no intention or negligence helps the tort law better balance the liberty in acts and protection of right .

    侵权 行为法即将 粉墨登场的今天,完善无意思联络的数人侵权行为的法律规范,对于侵权行为法更好地平衡行为自由和权利保护具有 重大意义。