topological design

[计] 布局设计

  • Structure topological optimization design with displacement constraints based on the approximation of moving asymptotes

    基于移动渐近线展开 的结构位移 拓扑优化

  • The computer networks topological design is the important components of the computer network engineering . This paper proposes the principle and method of measuring the rationality of network topological based on Graph Theory and demanded by OSPF routing algorithm .

    计算机网络 拓扑 设计是计算机网络工程的重要组成部分,本文在图论中有关算法的基础上,结合OSPF路由算法的要求,提出了测度网络拓扑逻辑合理性的原理和方法。

  • Optimum topological design of elastically supported truss .

    研究了弹性支承下桁架结构的 拓扑优化 设计

  • The mining tunnel design is main study object . Because spatial topological design of mining tunnel have more to do with the area of coalfield the inclination of coal bed exploitation condition and so on .

    井下巷道的布局设计与 煤田范围、煤层倾角及现有的开采条件等因素关系 密切设计 方案要依实际情况而定,是矿山生产和施工的主要研究对象。

  • Topological Lightweight Design of Space Mirror

    空间反射镜轻量化 结构 拓扑 优化 设计

  • Topological optimization design for flexible structure

    柔性结构 拓扑优化 设计发展 概况

  • Using this method the concrete topological structures design of each type of HMBs is studied . Previous topological structures are rearranged and classified and some novel topological structures are presented .

    利用此方法对各类型混合型磁悬浮轴承具体 拓扑结构的 设计进行了研究,对已有的拓扑结构进行了整理归类,并提出了多种新的拓扑结构。

  • A mathematical mode for the topological design of inter-networks is presented in the paper . It is a non-linear combinatorial optimization problem and belongs to N-P-hard .

    论述了互连网络 拓扑优化 设计问题,建立了必要的数学模型,该数学模型是一个非线性组合优化问题,它属于NP&完备类问题。

  • Basing on the war skill index sign and design requests the main load of the radar semi-dragging truck in different circumstance were analyzed which provides the load condition for the topological design stiffness and intensity analysis of the frame .

    依据指标和设计要求,分析了该半挂车行军和作战状态下车架的主要载荷情况,为车架的 拓扑 优化和车架的刚强度校核提供载荷条件。

  • Topological Optimization Design for Multiple Stiffness Structures Using Method of Moving Asymptotes

    基于移动渐近线方法的结构多刚度 拓扑优化 设计

  • The Topological Optimation Design and Analysis for Gantry Machine Tool Crossbeam Component

    龙门加工中心横梁部件的 拓扑优化 设计与分析

  • The basic theory of topological optimization method and its application in the field of automobile structural design was studied . The topological optimization design for the main loading segment of the frame was completed and that offers idea for design of the frame next step .

    研究和探讨了拓扑优化理论和方法及其在汽车结构设计中的应用,并完成了该 挂车车架的主要承载段的 拓扑优化 设计,为车架的设计提供了方向性指导意见。

  • While applying this to a topological design we can consider the relative path length coefficient to properly decrease path length and increase interference length thereby the number of changers and the cost of network are reduced then the network utilization can be enhanced .

    应用到 网络 拓扑 设计时,可考虑相对通道长度系数,适当减小通道长度而增大干扰长度,从而减少波长转换器的数目,降低网络的硬件花费,提高网络的使用效率。

  • A general model for the topological design of computer networks

    一种通用的计算机网络 拓扑 设计模型

  • Furthermore the mathematics model of the topological optimization design of air defense multisensor network as well as its solving method are put forward .

    最后给出了防空多传感器网络 拓扑优化 设计的数学模型及其求解方法。

  • Network link capacities and delay are one of the principal problems in computer network topological design . Quit a number of network topology designers have been engaged in the study of it and are making an approach to this topic .

    网络链路的容量和时延是 设计计算机网络 拓扑 结构中的主要问题,大量的网络拓扑结构设计需要这方面的研究而结果将在这一领域得到应用。

  • Study on FEM-Based topological optimization design of engine hood

    基于有限元分析的发动机罩 拓扑优化 设计

  • Topological optimization design of large-scale sparse continuum structures using multi-objective programming approaches

    大型稀疏连续体结构的多目标 拓扑优化 设计

  • Problems of the establishment of basic structure control of optimization process and analysis and application of optimized result etc. were discussed during the course of topological optimal design .

    探讨了 拓扑优化 设计过程中,基本结构建立、优化过程控制及优化结果分析与应用等问题。

  • Topological optimization design of a multilevel star network Investigation of Control Method for a Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter

    一类多级星式网络的 拓扑优化 设计方法

  • The problem of multipoint network topological design is NP-complete .

    多点网络 拓扑 结构 设计问题是NP-完全问题。

  • Realizations and Topological Design for Digital Filters in Canonical Form

    典型数字滤波器的实现和 拓扑 设计

  • Parallel structural topology optimization method based on super elements and the hierarchical structural topological optimum design .

    研究了基于超单元的并行结构拓扑优化方法和层次结构 拓扑优化 设计

  • Topological design of hdd ( hard disk drive ) suspension based on dynamical compliance

    基于动态柔度的硬盘驱动臂的 拓扑 设计

  • The Research on Topological Optimization Design Technology for Vehicle External Evaluation Model Frame

    汽车外观评价模型骨架 拓扑优化 设计技术研究

  • In the Fourth Chapter this thesis describes the information support platform design from the system topological structure design software architecture design database design and function design .

    紧接着在第四章节从系统 拓扑结构 设计、软件架构设计、数据库设计及功能设计这几个方面描述了整个信息化支撑平台的系统设计。

  • By use of FEA method the results showed that topological optimization design of components in automatic weapons is an effective method to reduce the weight .

    运用有限元法对自动武器零部件进行 拓扑优化 设计是一种自动武器减重 设计的有效方法。

  • Based above HDD suspension topological design by structural dynamical compliance or dynamic response and stability under shock impact is performed and the optimal results are analyzed .

    在此研究的基础上,以硬盘驱动臂为对象,进行了基于动态响应特性、冲击特性和动态稳定性的硬盘驱动臂 拓扑 设计和优化结果的分析。

  • A Heuristic Algorithm for Optimizing Topological Design of Local-Area Networks

    一种启发式的计算机局域网 拓扑优化 设计方法

  • A mathematical model for optimizing topological design of local-area networks is studied .

    研究了计算机 局域网优化 设计问题的数学模型。