



  • With a long history of more than six hundred years Eton has developed into a topnotch private school in UK even the whole world from a charity school for poor students .

    经过 六百多年的发展,它从一所贫困生资助学校成为了英国乃至世界上 首屈一指的私立中学。

  • You 'd be a topnotch fashion photographer .

    你将成 第一 的时尚摄影师。

  • Recently born in vitro topnotch cells also succeed .

    近期,体外培养生 精干细胞也获得成功。

  • One thing is for sure a Chinese director and his crew along with a group of topnotch Chinese actors have taken one of the corner stone genres in Chinese cinema into the heart of another culture .

    有一点可以肯定的是,一位中国导演和他的一 人马及一批 一流的中国演员,已 成功地把中国电影中 为基础的一类打入另一种文化了。

  • The research suggests that although the basic skills such as shooting stealing and passing are improved year by year there is still a wide gap between the outstanding woman teams of CUBA and topnotch youth teams or WCBA teams .

    研究表明:CUBA的 优秀球队在投篮命中率、抢断球、以及传接球等基本技术上逐年有所提高,但与 WCBA相比较还有较大差距;

  • A Preliminary Research on the Relation between Topnotch Sportsmen 's intellectual Condition and Cultural Quality in China

    我国 冰雪 优秀运动员智力状况与文化素质关系的初步研究

  • Surface electromyography for assessing muscular fatigue of topnotch walking athletes during 20-kilometer training

    应用表面肌电图评定 优秀竞走运动员20km训练中的肌疲劳

  • At Howard University Law School Houston trained a cod-ray of topnotch black lawyers .

    在霍华德大学法学院休斯敦训练了一群 一流的黑人律师。

  • His performance of Hamlet was topnotch .

    他扮演哈姆雷特 出色

  • Strength training plays an important role in the whole training of topnotch shot-putters .

    力量训练在 优秀铅球运动员的整个训练中占有重要位置。

  • People from different streams of business science and finance must realize their opportunity to become topnotch ethical players not only in China but in the global village .

    来自商业、科学界和金融界等不同行业的人必须抓住机会,成为 国内 甚至世界上的伦理 领袖

  • We have a Stringent Quality System in place that guarantees our projects to be delivered with topnotch quality .

    我们有一整套严格的质量控制系统,保证所提交的项目以 第一 的品质 呈现

  • Strength Training of Topnotch Shot-Putters


  • An Analysis of Techniques of Four Topnotch Teams in the 24 th Students Basketball Sports Meeting of Tongren Teachers ' College

    铜仁师专第二十四届学生篮球运动会 四强技术分析

  • Be good at selection and forepart training of juvenile high jumpers is the key of fostering topnotch jumpers .

    把握好少儿跳高运动员 徐扬选材及早期教学训练的过程是培养该高水平运动人才的关键。

  • Analysis of Key Factors of Topnotch Women Weightlifters ' Winning in Domestic Major Competitions
