topological order


  • Laguerre-Gaussian ( LG ) modes with topological indices from the lowest to higher order have been observed in the experiment . We also noticed the higher order modes are spatial unstable .

    通过这种全息光栅,实验上产生 拓扑数从一阶到高 的Laguerre-Gaussian模,同时观察到高阶模的空间不稳定特性。

  • The purpose of this paper is to study the geometry configurations bonding nature by Quantum Chemistry and topological analysis of the electronic density methods . The rules of formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds were discussed in order to help the further research in this field .

    本论文的研究目的在于利用量子化学方法和电子密度 拓扑分析方法研究氢键体系的结构及性质, 从而对分子间氢键形成的特性做出正确的描述和分析, 弱相互作用的深入研究提供理论基础。

  • The concept of k-connection term of Coates graph is proposed . A k-connection term topological formula for solving general k order cofactor of Indefinite-Admittance Marix of linear active net-works is set up so a novel method for the analysis of linear active networks is obtained .

    本文提出了Coates图k-连接组的概念,建立了求解线性有源网络不定导纳矩阵一般k 余因式的k-连接组 拓扑公式,得到了线性有源网络拓扑分析的一种新方法&k-连接组法。

  • In this paper the general characteristics and the topological consideration of the global behavior of higher order non-linear dynamical systems and the characteristics of the application of cell-to-cell mapping method in these analysis are expounded .

    本文阐述高 非线性动力系统全局分析和应用胞胞映射进行分析的一般特点,以及胞胞映射方法对于高阶系统 全局分析的有效性;

  • A Topological Sorting in Partial Order Set

    偏序集上的一种 拓扑排序

  • The feasibility and the concrete method for the calculation of transient temperature field by Network Topological Method are analysed in this paper theoretically in order to further develop the application of this method to the prediction of the temperature .

    本文通过理论分析 阐述了利用网络 拓扑法计算瞬态温度场的可行性以及具体 实现方法,发展了网络拓扑法的应用。

  • This paper discuss the locally topological structure of higher order singular point for the plane cubic system in the first critical case and give a criterion by the coefficients of polynomials .

    讨论了第一临界情形下的平面三次系统 高次奇点的局部 拓朴结构,并给出利用多项式系数的判断准则。

  • Based on the growth rules and the topological structure character of the plant the parameterized modeling technology is applied in the simulation of the 3-dimensional images of plant in order to improve simulated speed of topological structure of the plant .

    基于植物生长规律及其 拓扑结构特点,将参数化绘图技术应用于植物三维结构仿真, 提高植物拓扑结构生成的速度。

  • The topological structure of STereo lithography ( STL ) models was built in order to obtain the neighborhood relationship among the triangular facets .

    首先建立STL模型的 拓扑结构 从而获得三角面片间的相邻关系。

  • Topological classification of higher order singular point for the quintic system with one zero root

    具有一个零根的五次系统局部 拓扑分类

  • Topological High - order Virasoro Gravity


  • Topological Classifications of Higher Order Singular Point of Plane n Degree Differential System with One Zero Characteristic Root

    具有一个零特征根的平面n次系统高 阶奇点的 拓扑分类

  • The topological and chemical short-range orders revealed by various diffraction method and computer simulations enrich the intrinsic physical meaning on short-range order in liquid structure .

    由各类衍射技术和计算机模拟揭示出的种种 拓扑及化学短程序大大丰富了液体结构短程 有序的物理内涵。

  • The remarkable effects of the spin paramagnetism and the spin - orbit scatering come from the strong atomic topological and chemical short range order in the sample .

    上临界磁场行为中显著的自旋顺磁性和自旋-轨道散射与系统具有较强的原子 拓扑短程序和化学短 程序有关。同时对超导涨落效应作了讨论。

  • Finally the fuzzy techniques are applied in reasoning algorithms of topological relations of spatial objects in order to solve fuzziness and uncertainty in the GIS easily .

    最后,将模糊技术与空间对象之间的 拓扑关系的推理算法结合起来, 使其可以方便 处理地理信息系统中的模糊性和不确定性。

  • In this paper using two graphs voltage graph and current graph to represent topological construction of networks then using incremental network models one order sensitivity calculation formula of network elements is derived .

    本文提出利用双图法(电压图与电流图)表示网络的 拓扑结构,然后在增量网络模型基础上导出了网络元件的一 灵敏度计算公式。

  • Objective : To investigate the topological structure properties of cell signaling transduction networks in order to offer assistance for the research on the complexity of cell signaling system .

    目的:探讨细胞信号转导网络的 拓扑结构属性, 从而为复杂性细胞信号网络系统的研究提供有益帮助。

  • In this thesis we investigate I-fuzzy topological spaces with the semantic method of continuous-valued logic in order to enrich and develop a fundamental theory about I-fuzzy topology . In addition C. T.

    本文主要目的是运用连续值逻辑L(N1)语义的方法系统地研究I-fuzzy 拓扑空间, 以便进一步丰富和发展I-fuzzy拓扑空间的基本理论。

  • The classification of the global topological structure of a type of third order systems

    一类齐三 系统的全局 拓扑分类

  • The topological space of the types of the first order theory is established . The basic properties of the above space are proved .

    在一 理论的型中建立了拓扑空间,证明了该 拓扑空间的基本性质;

  • In this paper starting from the relation between two distinct topological structure we propose a simple self-consistent method based on the Maxwell-Garnett theory in order to improve the Bruggeman 's effective medium theory ( mean-field-type approximation ) .

    本文从二元无规混合物的两种不同 拓扑结构出发,在Maxwell-Garnett理论的基础上,提出一种自洽的方法 改进类平均场的Bruggeman有效介质理论。