torque output

[tɔrk ˈaʊtˌpʊt][tɔ:k ˈautput]


  • Keeping slip frequency constant we can get nearly constant torque output characteristic .

    维持滑差频率不变,就可获得近似于恒定 转矩 输出特性。

  • A torque output mathematics model of ultrasonic motor using longitudinal and torsional mode is presented .

    建立了纵扭复合型压电超声电机 输出 扭矩的数学模型。

  • Based on the modularization theory a marine diesel engine model is established by using MATLAB / SIMULINK . The model describes working process of diesel engine intake and exhaust systems intercooler turbocharger governor torque output and multi-cylinder model .

    本文依据模块化思想在MATLAB/SIMULINK中建立了柴油机容积法模型,主要对柴油机气缸工作过程、进排气系统、中冷器、涡轮增压器、调速机构、 输出 扭矩和多缸模型进行模型描述。

  • Apply the frequency conversion technology to the electric actuator control the turning speed of the motor by the external set signal modulate the torque output by self-setting multi-stage velocity and complete the reliable smooth and automatic controlling function .

    将变频调速技术应用于电动执行机构中,通过外给定信号控制电动机的转速,通过自行设定多段速度,调整 力矩 输出,完成可靠平滑的自动控制功能。

  • However maglev adoption have introduced around the gyro torque output shaft of harmful .

    然而,磁悬浮的采用也引入了绕陀螺仪 输出轴的有害 力矩

  • A computer-controlled loading device-for testing the torque output of the gear reducer the dynamic stress of the main parts on the pumping unit and the operating data of the motor is introduced .

    介绍了采用微机控制的抽油机加载装置在抽油机减速器 输出轴(曲柄轴) 扭矩、抽油机主要部件动态应力、超高转差电动机工况参数测试中的应用。

  • Five-phase hybrid stepping motor drivers in the computerised embroidery machine have a good many defects such as low frequency torque vibrations high frequency inadequate torque output and multi power supplies .

    电脑绣花机系统中现有五相混合式步进电机驱动器存在诸多不足之处:低频转矩振荡、高频 输出 转矩不足和多电源供电等。

  • Under constant speed when the output torque of ordinary permanent magnet synchronous motor exceed rated torque the torque output will not increase linearly following the input current eventually develop saturated phenomenon .

    恒定转速下,普通永磁同步电机输出转矩超过额定转矩时,其 转矩 输出不会随着输入电流呈线性增长,出现饱和现象。

  • The result of the experiment show that with the same input power this kind of micromotor has larger torque output than others ' with the same volume . It has a wide application prospect .

    实验结果表明,这种微型电机在相同的输入功率下,比同体积的其他电机有更大的 力矩 输出,因此具有广泛的应用前景。

  • Optimization design of enhanced hybrid stepper motor tooth layer structure air gap and properties of the stator slot permanent-magnetic materials are carried out based on the target of maximum static torque output and improve torque-angle characteristics curve waveform .

    在此基础上以提高最大静 转矩 幅值并改善矩角特性曲线波形为目标展开此种增强型混合式步进电机齿层结构、定转子气隙和定子槽中永磁材料性能的优化设计。

  • New design of the portable hydraulic wrench with large torque output

    新型便携式大 扭矩液压扳手的设计

  • An axial self tightening V belt driving device has been developed and used in a high speed single cylinder LPG engine test bed which is characterized by serious pulsation of torque output and high impact frequency .

    作者开发了一种轴向自动张紧式三角带传动装置,并把它应用于 转矩脉动强烈,高频冲击性的高速单缸LPG发动机试验台上。

  • In the constant torque range this makes torque output capacity reduction and the terminal voltage of motor can not follow the supplied voltage in practical . In the constant power range this makes reduction of performance caused by the saturation of voltage controller .

    在恒转矩区, 转矩 输出能力降低和机端电压不能准确跟踪给定电压;在恒功率区,造成电压控制器饱和,控制性能降低。

  • To use on a land rig the top drive drilling unit must be easy to install and dismount with light weight and its power and torque output must satisfy the requirements of various well depths .

    陆地钻机钻井周期短,拆装、搬迁频繁,而且并深范围大,因此顶驱装置必须易于安装和拆卸,重量要轻,其功率和 输出 扭矩应满足不同并深范围的要求。

  • Especially using the high energy Rare-earth permanent magnets motor the servo system have performance in torque output small force of inertia fast dynamic response in start-stop mode which help promote production efficiency and forklift quality .

    尤其是采用了高性能稀土永磁材料的伺服电机,其 出力 ,惯性小,起停动态性能特别好,有助于提高生产率和电动叉车质量。

  • The paper mainly deals with the design of controller of switched reluctance motors drive system ( SRD ) by comparing current controller and flux-linkage controller in the ways of their performance and output torque to attain optimum torque output and minimum torque ripple .

    文章着重讨论开关磁阻电动机驱动系统(SRD)的控制器设计,比较了电流控制器和磁链控制器的性能及输出转矩,以优化 转矩 输出、最小化转矩脉动。

  • This controller has some advantages : when the initial error is large the PD feedback part plays main role and it avoids too large initial torque output ;

    该控制策略的优点在于当初始误差较大时,PD反馈部分起主要作用,而非线性PD的采用又避免了过大初始 力矩 输出

  • Based on fundamental law of dynamics separately measuring load torque and acceleration torque by the speed torque pick up and the inertia autocompensator it can directly record the transient torque output of tested motor .

    该方法以动力学定律为基础,用转矩传速传感器和惯性电气自动补偿器分别测取负载转矩和加速转矩,从而得到被试电机的动态 输出 转矩

  • In addition this article also studies the induction motor torque control technology for the torque output of wind turbine simulation analyzes the defects of direct torque control and proposes a solution for torque control of wind turbine simulation .

    此外,文章还研究了模拟风力机 转矩 输出的异步电动机转矩控制技术,分析了直接转矩控制的缺陷,并提出了风力机模拟时转矩控制的解决方案。

  • The maximum torque output of the motor of the above-mentioned screwdrill has close relation to the displacement of the pump and it is also influenced by the leakage of the pump i. e. the maximum torque output decreases with the increase of the pump leakage .

    中空转子螺杆钻具马达的最大 输出 扭矩与泵排量密切相关,还受泄漏量的影响,即泄漏量增大最大输出扭矩就减小。

  • The strategy breaks through the limitation of maximum torque control strategy which based on the steady state analysis when solving fast torque output problem in dynamic process .

    突破了基于稳态分析的最大转矩控制策略在分析和解决动态过程 转矩 输出 能力问题时的局限性。

  • To ensure the testing machine can meet the technical requirements of high torque output and high control accuracy hydraulic servo-control technology was designed .

    为保证试验机能够满足大 扭矩 输出和高精度控制的技术要求,而采用液压伺服传动与控制技术,以液压系统为动力源并设计相关电气控制系统的硬件和软件。

  • Based on the above models a complete torque coordination algorithm for ISG hybrid system is proposed in which the dynamic limit on motor torque output and the delay in torque output is considered .

    基于上述模型,完整的提出了一套ISG混合动力系统转矩协调控制算法,并考虑了电机 输出 转矩动态约束和转矩输出延时问题。

  • To realize that the torque could linear control by Iq The conventional method is set excitation-current ( Id ) to zero which would result in the max speed can not exceed the rated speed and the torque output can not meet the demand of spindle motor .

    普通永磁同步电动机为了实现力矩随电流线性可控,一般将励磁电流设为零,这种控制策略将导致电机的最高转速不能超过额定转速, 转矩 输出能力也不能满足主轴电机的要求。

  • According to the relationship between them the dynamic and steady two compensation solutions are proposed through controlling the stator current to meet the required magnetizing current to achieve motor rotor flux and torque output decoupling control .

    根据两者存在的对应关系,从通过控制定子电流来控制励磁电流以实现电动机磁通和 转矩 输出解耦控制的角度出发,提出了动态和稳态两种补偿方案。

  • Upon analysis the stator d q-axis current can both affect the rotor flux establishment and torque output of the field oriented vector control with the presence of iron loss even in the steady state they are no longer decoupling .

    经分析,铁损的存在导致按转子磁场定向矢量控制的定子电流d、q轴分量都影响磁场建立和 转矩 输出,即使在稳态时也不再解耦。

  • Single-phase AC series excited motor is increasingly used in household electrical appliances for its large torque output high rotation speed and simple control circuits .

    单相交流串励电机的 输出 转矩大,转速高,控制电路简单,因而在家电产品中应用广泛。

  • An external shaft sleeve is mounted on the vehicle shaft in movable fit and a torque input rubber-wheel and a torque output rubber-wheel are also fixed on the vehicle shaft ;

    本装置是在车轴上以动配合装有外轴套管,车轴上还固定着转矩输入胶轮和 转矩 输出胶轮;

  • The Range Rover features permanent four wheel drive to cope with the power and torque output of the V8 engine .

    揽胜永久的四轮驱动特点,使其有能力应付大功率和 扭矩 输出的V8发动机。