


  • It was she who tole me the news .


  • Modern tole it could be said is actually an artistic record of what humans find of value in their day-to-day lives .

    也许我们可以说,现代 装饰 绘画是人类对在其日常生活中所发现的价值的一种艺术记录。

  • Ah done tole you an'tole you'bout gittin'fever frum settin'in de night air wid nuthin'on yo'shoulders .

    俺一次又一次 告诉你,光着肩膀坐在夜风里要感冒发烧的。

  • He tole me something I had never heard before .


  • As my expensive Harley Street psychiatrist tole me lie .

    就我那价格不菲的哈利街心理医生 告诉我的 那样 瞎话。

  • This paper describes the application of projected tolerance zone mainly in threaded parts and parts with interference fit to control the tole ranee in position or symmetry so that the function and assembling of these parts be ensured .

    本文论述了延伸公差带的应用,主要用于螺纹件及压配合零件的连接,控制位置度和对称度的 公差,以保证零件的功能要求和顺利装配。

  • Let me get this right-you tole her about it ?

    让我把这事弄清楚,你 告诉她了?

  • She tole of her sufferings at the hands of her oppressors .


  • Education in the art of music therefore has a vital tole to play in the current reform .

    音乐艺术教育就 了改革的 主题

  • I almost fainted when she tole me .

    告诉我时我 吃惊得差点昏过去。

  • Genetic study on cold tole ance at the seedling stage in rice was made using 6 indica / japonica crosses .

    利用6个 粳稻间杂交组合研究了苗期耐冷性的遗传。

  • A little bird tole me that today is your birthday .

    消息灵通 人士 告诉我今天是你生日。

  • Authorized by Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Zibo Fortune and Luck Paper Tole Arts Club is a regular economics and business entity communicating culture and arts .

    剪纸社 属于淄博 金昌文化传播 有限公司,是经工商局批准 登记 注册的正规文化艺术传播经贸实体。

  • A musician with a stable day job tole me that after pursuing the music seriously on the side he wasn 't so sure that he could take lifestyle full time .

    一位有稳定工作的音乐家 告诉我在一边执着地追求音乐时,他没有把握自己能不能完全地过那个生活方式。

  • Somebody tole me lots of thing have gone but who can give me a reason why the damn thing came back ?

    没有一点空闲 时间,而空闲 时间又能 用来 干嘛呢?

  • An'ah tole her an'tole her ter let DEM w'ite trash alone but she din'pay me no mine .

    我对她说了,叫她 别去管那些下流白人的事,可是她不听我的。

  • The tole of rehabilitation center of earthquake-stricken patients in earthquake disaster rescue and rehabilitation

    地震 伤员康复中心在地震救援和伤员康复中的作用

  • Based on this the writer of the paper claims that as Chinese higher learning continues to grow the quality control of teaching is tole conducted by universities while the commitments for administerial departments are the educational development and educational fairness .

    今后相当时期,中国高等教育的 大众化仍将快速发展, 数量增长 并不 必然 导致质量问题,教育教学质量主要 应由学校 自我控制,教育行政部门应着重解决高等教育的发展和公平问题。