


  • Complete religious toleration exists in this country .

    该国内有完全的宗教 信仰 自由

  • Thirdly an English teacher must be capable of great patience and toleration .

    第三.一位英语教师应该具有极大的耐心和 容忍 能力

  • Toleration was to be the basis on which he was to fight his battles .


  • This is one great reason for the utmost toleration of variety of opinion .

    它是 迈向 胜利的第一 兼容 广纳 多元意见的重要原因。

  • Toleration of dishonest officials encourages corruption .

    社论 猛烈 抨击官场的腐败。对腐败官吏的 容忍 鼓励贪污行为。

  • You love him in the condition of the toleration to his weakness .

    爱一个人,上 包容了他的缺点。

  • Mind you not mutual toleration but equal respect .

    请注意,不是互相 容忍,而是平等的尊敬。

  • Falling in love with a police It is necessary to learn to be toleration and wait .

    爱上一个警察,要学着 宽容大度习惯等待。

  • Toleration is not a virtue any more beyond a certain limitation .

    超过某个限度之后, 宽容 便不再是美德。

  • His toleration of her behaviour amazed me .

    他对她行为的 宽容使我惊愕。

  • It is considered the first plea for toleration in modern times .

    它被认为是第一个认罪的 容忍在现代倍。

  • This paper thinks that the change of modern social life territory-wide makes the political culture of toleration possible not only in the political inner logic but also political practice logic .

    文章认为,现代社会生活境域的转变,使政治 宽容的文化生成不仅在政治的内在逻辑上是可能的,而且在政治的实践逻辑上也是可能的。

  • Among these are giving open and honest feedback allowing employees the freedom to measure their performance against more flexible goals and higher toleration levels of failure .

    在这些策略中有提供开放和真实的反馈、允许员工自由的使用更灵活的目标来衡量他们的成绩以及更高度的 忍受失败。

  • The selfless toleration is what you asked the meaning of'The Words of Community .

    这种无私 包容之心,就是你想知道的丘里之言了。

  • Toleration of the intolerant must cease where the latter threatens the sustainability of the diverse society itself .

    必须停止对狭隘的 宽容,因为它对多元社会本身的可持续性构成了威胁。

  • They affirm a policy of religious toleration .

    他们明白表示 对宗教 采取 宽容的政策。

  • This construct provides a reference for design of intrusion toleration system .

    该基础结构为设计入侵 容忍系统提供了参考的标准。

  • Our country must carry the torch of freedom and toleration .

    我们的国家必须高举自由和 宽容的火炬。

  • The government passed a law of religious toleration .

    政府通过一项 信仰 自由的法律。

  • Nestorianism and Roman Catholicism also enjoyed a period of toleration .

    景教和罗马天主教也享受了一段 容忍

  • Her toleration of his brazen attitude is enough to show her great tolerance .


  • In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism

    1741年, 叶卡捷琳娜大帝颁布法令,允许佛教的 存在

  • These changes on prostitutes have largely embodied the rising of European social toleration .

    妓女的这一变化在很大程度上体现了社会 宽容 扩大

  • Cultural Conflict and Cultural Toleration : the Collision and Coexistence between Karen and Burmese

    文化冲突与 容忍:缅甸克伦族和缅族的碰撞与并存

  • He stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration - C.G.Bowers ; dealt straightforwardly with all issues .

    他坚定地支持宗教自由和 信仰 自由 &C·G·鲍尔斯;坚定地对待一切问题。

  • The Social Exclusion Underneath the Presentational Social Toleration Homosexuality Subculture Research in Thailand

    社会 宽容表象下的社会排斥泰国同性恋亚文化研究

  • The overweighted people 's toleration is bad in summer .

    胖人在夏天的 忍受力较差。

  • Accordingly the anti-essentialism of pragmatism makes the disadvantage of essentialism invalid realizes the toleration of thoughts .

    相对地,实用主义的反本质主义特性使得他们解除了本质主义的思想霸权,实现了思想 宽容

  • That kind of skepticism about the foundations of knowledge has further implications for Hobbes'views on such things as religion and religious toleration .

    这种对于知识基础的怀疑论,对霍布斯在宗教和,宗教 宽容的观点上,有进一步的意义。

  • Difference is the context condition of toleration while negation power and restraint are three conditions of the definition of toleration .

    差异是 宽容存在的情境条件,而否定 反应、能力和克制是宽容的定义条件。