


  • Enjoy this artistic application by creating original photo albums Xmas cards and photo collages .

    原享受通过创建相册, 圣诞贺卡和照片拼贴艺术的应用。

  • Do you usually make come cookies during xmas ?

    你在 圣诞 期间会做一些 特殊的点心吗?

  • Jeff : what about you joan ? Will you give me a Xmas kiss ?

    杰夫:那你怎么样琼?你会给我一个 圣诞吻吗?

  • The Xmas party will open a new door to your dreams in2010 !

    这个 圣诞节,将为您的2010,开启一扇梦想的新门。

  • Bobby : kelly ! Guess what I got for Xmas from my folks ?

    鲍比:凯莉,你猜我从我父母那得到了什么 圣诞 礼物

  • She suddenly got all hung up around Xmas .


  • In the shops Xmas trees and decorations were on sale .

    商店里正在出售 圣诞树和装饰品。

  • What will you give me for Xmas present ?

    你会给我送什么作为 圣诞节礼物呢?

  • Nowadays my family doesn 't exchange many presents because we all feel Xmas ahs become far too commercial .

    现在我的家庭不再交换礼物了因为我们觉得 圣诞节已经变的太商业化了。

  • This application is a sequel of Finger Design Photo Collage with Xmas materials .

    此应用程序是指设计与 圣诞节照片拼贴材料的续集。

  • May Xmas bring you joy and happiness .


  • So you think Xmas is about gifts and presents ?

    您认为 圣诞节 就是一个 礼物的 时节吗?

  • Billy : You know that not everyone celebrates Xmas though ?

    比利:可是你知道并不是人人都庆祝 圣诞节吗?

  • Kylie : John and I like to get away for Xmas so we went skiing in Japan .

    凯丽:约翰和我喜欢在 外面 圣诞节,所以我们去了日本滑雪。

  • Merry Xmas !


  • We received Xmas cards from abroad when I was young .

    所以,在我小时候,我们 收到 他们 耶诞卡。

  • I am going to the mall to shop for Xmas gifts .

    我要去购物中心买 圣诞礼物。

  • We want to purchase large qty of ladies hats and caps for this xmas and new year sales .

    我们想要购买大数量的女士们的帽子和这个 圣诞节和新年销售上限。

  • Billy : They sure do ! In fact many people don 't celebrate Xmas but they have a humungous party for the New Year .

    比利:他们当然庆祝了!实际上很多人不庆祝 圣诞节不过他们有一个盛大的新年派对。

  • Michael : Are New Year parties the same as Xmas parties ?

    迈克尔:新年派对和 圣诞派对一样吗?

  • Xmas and New Year are old western traditions that we celebrate the same way every year .


  • At Xmas time Debra began to dream of all the presents .

    到了 耶诞 的时际,黛布拉开始梦想著所有的礼物。

  • Add ding for these special times on Xmas Eve and New Year 's ( & Chinese ) Eve .

    新增钟声为这些特殊时刻: 圣诞节前夕及元旦前夕与中国年除夕。

  • There is a santa here who wants to present to you a lovely xmas dance !

    这里就有位圣诞老公公要 给你一场 圣诞舞蹈!

  • Joan : It 's interesting to see how the culture of Xmas has changed over the years .

    琼:看到 圣诞节文化如何随着时光的推移而发生改变很有趣。

  • This can be a Xmas gift .

    这个可以做 圣诞礼物

  • Bobby : I just love the Xmas and New Year season .

    鲍比:我喜欢 圣诞节和新年季节。

  • Christmasa Merry Xmas to all our readers !

    谨向我们所有的读者敬祝 圣诞快乐!