


  • The second was the female victim great weakness and complete lack of physical tonus .

    第二个 原型 受气的女人,导致 她的 肌肉 软弱无力

  • Extreme tonus ; muscular rigidity ; a common symptom in catatonic schizophrenia .

    及其 紧张;肌肉发硬。

  • Mechanical stimulation ( mild pressure stimuli ) applied to the posterior parts of tongues and pharynxes induced marked dilatation of stomachs decrement of gastric contraction amplitudes reduction of gastric tonus and prolonging the interval of intragastric pressure to prevent the gastric contents from regurgitation .

    机械刺激舌根部及咽部(按压刺激)可引起胃显著扩张,胃收缩幅度减小,胃 紧张 下降及胃收缩间歇时间延长,从而降低胃内压力,防止胃内容物返流溢出。

  • Comparative study of the tonus of the teat sphincter muscle of cows

    牛乳头括约肌 紧张 的比较研究

  • The treatment of tonus in dialysis The muscle tonus were ranged from grade ⅲ~ⅴ .

    透析中发生 肌肉 强直的处理痉挛程度:Ⅲ级~Ⅴ级。

  • ( physiology ) of or relating to or producing normal tone or tonus in muscles or tissue .

    (生理学) 强直的肌肉或组织强硬或 紧张,或 与其

  • Long-term atropine treatment of school myopia can eliminate accommodation tonus prevent or retard the progress of myopia .

    其他 假性近视的治疗方法, 根据 医学 原理通过随机分组、双盲对照的长期观察进行严肃认真的评估。

  • It is suggested that reliable indexes in diagnosing intracranial hypertension and intracranial hematoma in infants and young children might be as follows : disturbance of consciousness and its change vomit convulsion bregmatic tonus and anemia .

    提示诊断婴幼儿颅内高压及颅内血肿的可靠指标为:意识障碍及其变化、呕吐、抽搐、前囟 紧张、贫血。