toll network

[tol ˈnɛtˌwɚk][təul ˈnetwə:k]


  • This article introduces the structure of the nation 's toll transmission network management system and brings some issues about the development of the toll transmission network management system from the characteristics of this system and the technology used in this system .

    本文介绍了全国 长途 干线 PDH传输 网管系统组成结构,并根据传输网网管的特点,从技术角度对今后长途传输网网管系统的改进和发展提出了几点意见及建议。

  • The transmission performance objectives for public analogue toll telephone automatic switching network

    GB/T7437-1987公用模拟 长途电话自动交换 传输性能指标

  • An Evolution Road from Traditional Toll Network to Packetized Network ── BICC

    传统 长途 电话 向分组化网络的演进之路&BICC

  • Some Issues About the Development of the Toll Transmission Network Management System

    关于 长途传输 网管系统的改进和发展的几点建议

  • Design and Realization of the Management System for Toll Telephone Network

    长途电话交换 网管系统的设计与实现

  • Optimal Method of Toll Rate for Expressway Network

    网络条件下高速公路 收费费率优化方法研究

  • As the largest fixed-line and broadband operators China Telecom has strong competitive advantages in internet backbone toll telecommunication network and local access network aspects .

    中国电信作为全国最大的固网及宽带业务运营商,在互联网骨干网、 长途 干线 和本地接入网等方面具有很强的竞争优势。

  • At the same time because the great deal of existent toll way connected into network and occupied the main stem the negative influence that tolling system put on the resource 's flowage and national economy 's improvement become more and more notable .

    而由于大量的 收费 公路存量形成了 网络并占据了主要流通通道,收费制度在宏观经济层面对资源流动和经济发展的负面影响逐渐显现。

  • This paper introduces the toll network product based on optical fiber related with voltage electrie power line and its network instruction plan .

    介绍现有高压电力线相关的基于光纤的 长途 网络产品,以及可能采用的网络结构方案。

  • In toll collection of freeway network it is very important to set up an exact and strict distribution system for every administration agents in order to gain their profits .

    联网 收费中,准确的拆分和严格的 账体系,是高速公路 联网收费中各个管理公司利益得以保证的重要条件。

  • It is inevitable to evolve from PSTN toward ATM / IP dominated packetized network this evolution will first start with traditional toll network .

    传统PSTN网向分组化网络演进是历史的必然,而 长途 电话 的演进则是首当其冲。

  • Issues on the Matching of P3S Toll Exchange with Transmission Network

    关于P3S 长途交换机与传输 配合的一些问题的思考

  • Initial Discussion on China Mobile Toll Tandem Network and No.7 Signaling Network Construction and Design

    浅议中国移动 长途汇接 及七号信令网工程建设和设计

  • EDFA will be widely used in toll backbone network and also will be important part in access network and the future full optical network .

    EDFA不仅会在 长途 干线中广泛使用,也必然将会在接入网和未来的全光网络中扮演越来越重要的角色。

  • The Design and Implementation of Highway Toll Network Collection System Based on Union-pay and One-card-through

    基于银联和一卡通的 高速公路 联网 收费系统的设计与实现

  • Toll telecommunication transmission network is evolving into optical transmission network .

    长途电信传输 正在朝着光传送网方向发展,未来的传输 将是一个全光的网络。

  • Toll Telephone Network Development Strategy in Hubei Province

    湖北省 长途电话 发展策略

  • In this paper the necessity and the method of design and implementation of Tianjin toll telecommunication integrated network management system are discussed in detail in the aspect of practice .

    本文从实际工作出发,详细论述了天津 长途综合 网络管理系统的必要性、设计过程及实现方式。

  • Pricing strategies in toll road network with elastic demand

    具有弹性需求 收费 道路的定价策略分析

  • Design and Implementation of Toll Allocation for Expressway Network System

    高速公路 联网 系统的设计与实现

  • This paper introduced the network structure and characteristic of expressway united toll system and analysed the net security problem in the toll network to net the official network . Proposed a scheme to keep up the net security .

    介绍了高速公路联网收费系统的网络结构和特点,分析了 收费 网络和办公网络互联存在的安全问题,提出了相应的安全防范方案。

  • Design of a toll system of network service based on safety control

    基于安全控制的 网络服务 计费系统的设计

  • Proposing a bi-level programming model to determine optimal toll level combine with toll location in highway network . The upper-level problem 's aim is to maximum consumer surplus or network travel demand and the lower-level of the model is the multi-vehicle elastic demand stochastic user equilibrium model .

    建立公路 联网 收费位置与费率组合优化的双层规划模型,双层模型的上层以路网用户盈余最大或交通总需求最大为目标,下层是弹性需求下的多车型随机用户平衡配流模型。

  • Bi-level programming model and algorithm of optimal toll rate for highway network

    路网最优 费率的双层规划模型及算法

  • Discussion of Toll Transmission Network Management in China

    我国 长途 干线传输管理 建设之探讨

  • We will discuss the techniques or integrating data management with process control in the application system of FujianBighway Toll Gate Network Management System in this paper .

    主要以福建省公路通行费 收费管理 网络系统为应用背景,讨论在应用系统中数据管理与过程控制功能的集成技术的实现技术。

  • A economical system with high stability in saving toll data and operating network is designed in this paper for the open toll administration at Ning Ma highway .

    文章设计了一个高速公路 数据存储及 网络运行系统,该系统可靠性较高、性能价格比较好。

  • Therefore asked for the toll highway network to provide precise path of the program is growing recognition and accurate identification of program research key technology development work will certainly become the new hotspot network charges difficult and urgent need to address the problems .

    因此要求为高速公路 联网 收费提供精确路径识别方案的呼声日益高涨,精确识别的方案研究、关键技术的开发也必将成为联网收费工作新的热点、难点和迫切需要解决的问题之一。