Tomb-sweeping Day


  • Nevertheless when the next Tomb-sweeping day comes this speech will be inscribed upon the back of the tombstone as an epitaph for my wife and me .

    来年 明日,此铭将 篆刻于我们的墓碑背面,权为我与老伴的墓志铭。

  • The next first half year will be another collection of short holidays Tomb-sweeping Day and Dragon-boat Festival included .

    明年上半年又是一个小长假的 集结 无论 清明,还是端午。

  • Monday was China 's traditional Tomb-Sweeping Day when people mourn their dead .

    周一是中国传统的 清明 ,人们在这 天祭奠逝去的亡灵。

  • The day after tomorrow is the Tomb-sweeping Day .

    后天是 清明

  • On Tomb-sweeping Day we paid our respects to revolutionary martyrs .

    清明 ,我们拜扫了烈士墓。

  • By the forecasting example of line passenger flow during tomb-sweeping day the combination forecasting method obtains greater relevance than single forecasting methods proving that the combined forecasting model is superior to single forecasting methods .

    通过 清明 线路流量的预测实例,得到了组合预测方法比单项预测方法更大的关联度,证明组合预测模型优于单项预测模型。

  • April 5th is Tomb-Sweeping Day .

    四月五日是 清明

  • Villagers of the Great Wall village go to the mountain to offer sacrifice to the ancestors at Tomb-sweeping Day .

    照片 说明 每年 清明 时节长城村的村民们来到山上祭典祖先。

  • Reuters-chinese are getting ready for tomb-sweeping day on friday as state media fret that the poor can no longer afford funerals while tombs for the rich cost more than houses .

    路透社:周五是中国人的 清明 ,媒体担忧穷人没钱下葬,而富人的坟墓早已超过了房价。

  • Today is Tomb-sweeping Day .

    今天是 清明

  • Tomb-Sweeping Day comes when people go to the tombs of the deceased to pay their respect .

    清明 了,正是给已故的人扫墓上坟的 日子

  • It is also called Tomb-Sweeping Day .

    清明 又叫做“ 扫墓 ”。

  • What do we have on Tomb-sweeping Day except burning ?

    清明 ,我们除了“烧” 还能做些什么呢?

  • A lot of people go to the crematory to burn paper as a sacrificial offering on tomb-sweeping Day .

    赶上 清明 ,去火葬场烧纸的人 特别多。

  • Over time Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day .

    随着时间的推移,寒食节被 清明 扫墓所代替了。