



  • What objects have been stolen from a tomb in Egypt ?

    而埃及 古墓中被偷走的物品又有哪些?

  • Who 's buried in Grant 's tomb ?

    格兰特的 坟墓里埋葬了谁?

  • The Ding Mausoleum is a tomb of Emperor Wanli ( Ming Dynasty ) and his two empresses .

    定陵是明代万历皇帝及其两皇后的 陵墓

  • We emptied the tomb of everything it contained .

    我们挖走了 的一切。

  • Gold was found in the ancient tomb in the form of bars .


  • But God did not leave Christ in the tomb .

    然而,神并没有让基督 中。

  • It 's not a tomb . It 's not a Muslim .

    不是 ,也不是穆斯林。

  • They found several glazed clay pots in the ancient tomb .

    他们在 古墓中发现了一些上釉的陶罐。

  • A funerary objects in the tomb pit girls exquisite rich that was heavy on the girl 's love .

    一座女孩土坑 中随葬品精致丰富,表明当时对女孩的爱重。

  • I stepped down from the tomb and said thank you .

    我从 上面走下来,对他们说了谢谢。

  • And this place will become your tomb .

    这地方就将会成为你的 坟墓

  • When it died it was interred in a specially prepared tomb in the Valley of the Kings .

    它死了的时候,它被埋葬在国王谷中特定的一 坟墓

  • Do you know hat elder brother and my husband are currently at the cemetery building your tomb ?

    大哥和我丈夫现正在墓地建你的 坟墓,你知道吗?

  • Set free from the flesh released from this tomb !

    从肉体中苏醒,从 坟墓中释放!

  • Another silk painting was found also in a tomb of the Chu kingdom .

    在与其相近的一 楚国 墓葬中又发现了另一幅帛画。

  • We have seen him conquer sin on a cross and defeat death in a tomb .

    我们曾见祂在十架上胜过了罪,在 坟墓内战胜了死亡;

  • We 're now entering this ancient tomb .

    我们现在进 古墓

  • They found this authentic manuscript of the book from an ancient tomb .

    他们从一个 古墓 发现了该书的真正手稿。

  • The flowers grew in the sarcophagi with a wild exuberance wantoning it seemed in mockery of the tomb whence they sprang .

    鲜花在石棺材里开放得格外繁茂,蓬乱错综,仿佛嘲笑它们从中冒出的 坟茔

  • This can be evidenced by the unearthed artifacts from the Nanyue King 's tomb in Guangzhou .

    这一切,都可以在广州南越 王墓所出土的文物中 找到佐证。

  • You have desecrated the tomb of attila .

    你已经亵渎了匈奴王的 坟墓

  • True love is as luminous as the dawn and as silent as the tomb .

    爱情是和黎明一样光耀,和 坟墓一样沉寂的。

  • Didn 't the man who first made tomb figures die without leaving an heir ?


  • When you live your life from your heart you are pulled out of the tomb of despair and apathy .

    当你住你的人生从你的心你退出 绝望和冷漠。

  • Near her tomb a temple was built in honour of her .

    在她的 ,建造了一座纪念她的庙宇。

  • Wreaths were laid at the martyr 's tomb .

    烈士 前安放着花圈。

  • Learning the secrets of this sacred tomb .

    了解了这个神圣 古墓的秘密。

  • She placed a bunch of flowers at the tomb .

    她在 坟墓上放了一束花。