toll road

[tol rəʊd][təul roʊd]


  • A toll road especially an expressway with tollgates . Technical code for construction of highway subgrades

    收费公路 收费 公路,特指设立收费关卡的高速公路

  • In the case of Xi'an and Zhengzhou and most other major cities in China travellers who arrive at the airport must either wait for erratic bus services or stand in line for a taxi to drive more than one hour into town on a newly-built toll road .

    在西安、郑州及中国其它大多数主要城市,抵达机场的游客要么必须等候捉摸不定的巴士服务,要么不得不排队等候出租车,再在新修的 收费 高速公路上行驶一个多小时才能进城。

  • A gate or bar across a toll bridge or toll road which is lifted when the toll is paid .

    位于收费桥或 收费 公路处的一种门,只有当人们交了费用后这个门才可以被吊起来准许人们通行。

  • The Design and Implement of Entrance Issuing Ticket MIS for Closed Toll Road

    封闭式 收费 道路入口发卡mis的设计与实现

  • Under what conditions toll road can obtain the best income has been concerned by highway administrative department .

    收费 公路在什么条件下取得最佳 收费收入一直是高速公路管理部门十分关心的问题。

  • Probably most concerning for airlines is that train tickets are significantly cheaper than airline tickets especially when the additional costs of taxis and toll road fees are taken into account .

    大概最让航空公司担心的,是火车票价远远低于机票,尤其是把出租车和 高速公路费用等额外成本考虑在内的话。

  • Research on Introducing Value Management to Toll Road

    收费 公路 运营中引入价值管理问题研究

  • In order to guarantee healthy development of the toll road the paper analyzes multi-dimensional puzzledoms in the toll road industry and discusses the causes of the puzzledoms .

    为规范 收费 公路产业发展,运用实证分析方法,探讨收费公路产业发展的困境及其根源。

  • Wants to build a toll road across my land .

    他们想在我的地上造一条 收费 公路

  • The construction of the toll road has further perfected the synthesis of our transporting system .

    收费 公路的建设进一步完善了我国的综合运输体系。

  • Since the operating toll road has the above-mentioned characteristic we must put effective economy regulation into practice .

    由于经营性 收费 公路具有上述特征,所以我们必须对其实施有效的经济管制。

  • The core of the research in this paper is the price formative mechanism of the toll road .

    本文研究的核心问题是: 收费 公路的价格形成机理。

  • The manager has holdings in toll road operator Jiangsu expressways which he says pays out the vast majority of its earnings to shareholders and features some really substantial yields .

    他持有江苏宁沪高速公路有限公司(jiangsu expressways)的股票,他表示,该公司将大部分收益返还给了股东,“收益率”确实“很高”。

  • Now the toll road plays a very important role in the society and economy of China .

    收费 公路在我国 公路 建设与社会经济生活当中已占据重要地位,其 运营的社会效果和未来发展 方向引起普遍关注。

  • Wei visits a family of beekeepers in the mountains who live in terror of inadvertently finding themselves on a toll road which could wipe out their income .

    这户人家无意中发现,每天都要经过那一条条 收费 公路的一道道关卡。路费吞噬着他们的收入,他们对此非常恐惧。

  • During the concession negotiation of toll road one of the core problems is tariff determining and regulating .

    收费 公路特许经营谈判过程中, 通行 价格的确定和调整是核心问题之一。

  • A Study on Accountability-Oriented National Policy Auditing Evaluation : Taking Toll Road Policy Auditing as An Example

    当责导向的国家政策审计评价研究&以 收费 公路政策审计调查为例

  • Benefit from toll road policy and road maintenance fee China has witnessed rapid development of road construction which fundamentally changed the backward transportation condition of our country and made significant contribution to national economic and social development .

    得益于 收费 公路政策和养路费,我国的公路建设取得了突飞猛进的发展,从根本上改变了我国交通落后的局面,为国民经济和社会发展做出了重大贡献。

  • The debt risks and the causes of toll road are deeply analyzed and the corresponding-measures are also presented .

    针对上述情况,对 收费 公路存在的债务风险及其成因进行了深入地分析,提出了相应的对策。

  • Therefore it is very necessary to regulate the operating toll road .

    所以,对经营性 收费 公路进行经济管制是非常必要的。

  • The Research on Toll Road Management System

    收费 公路 通行 管理系统的研究

  • As people own more cars more cars get driven down the toll road so more revenues come in .

    随着人们拥有更多汽车,将有更多汽车开上 高速公路,这将带来更多收入。

  • Research on Method of Determining Toll Road Rational Scale Based on Bi-level Programming Model

    基于双层规划模型的 收费 公路合理规模确定方法研究

  • The Presidio Parkway a six-lane toll road that will connect the city of San Francisco to the Golden Gate Bridge is one project that some private investor groups are considering .

    新普雷西迪奥风景 公路(Presidio Parkway)是一条拟建的连接旧金山市和金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)的六车道 收费 公路,一些私人投资者团体正在考虑这个项目。

  • Toll Road PassesAustralia has a significant number of toll roads in particular in Sydney and Melbourne many of which do not have manned tollbooths .

    收费 公路通行证澳大利亚大量的收费公路,特别是在悉尼和墨尔本的许多不具备载人收费亭。

  • A toll road is a road which people have to pay to drive on .

    付费 公路是要付钱方可通行的公路。

  • FOR MOST OF US a toll road is just another expense .

    在我们中的大多数人看来, 收费 公路不过意味着又一项开销。

  • Is it a toll road or a freeway ?

    这是 收费 公路还是高速公路?

  • The thesis discusses some problems on BOT model or concessionary management in the evolution of highway construction such as highway investment system toll road highway financing government function and etc.

    本文对我国公路建设发展中BOT模式及特许经营所涉及的公路投资体制、 收费 公路、公路融资、政府职能等问题进行了研究。