toe great

[toʊ ɡret][təʊ ɡreit]

[医] ы趾,ы

  • The left bank powerhouse of TGP is a dam toe one with 14 generator units each with 700 MW and total capacity of 9800 MW . The commissioning of the left bank station on schedule will bring about great economic benefit .

    三峡左岸电站为坝后引水式厂房,共有14台机组,单机容量700MW,总装机容量 9800MW,确保左岸电站按期投产将产生 巨大的经济效益。

  • The foot great toe is up for evil make foot jue Yin appropriate diarrhea ; If the foot great toe bowed down for lunar qi deficiency foot appropriate filling .

    足大 是向上翘,为邪犯足厥阴,宜泻;若足 趾向下屈,为足太阴经气不足,宜补。

  • The utility model provides a great toe extroversion correcting tape which is used for solving the problem of great toe extroversion .

    一种 拇趾外翻矫正带,用于解决脚 拇趾外翻问题。

  • Opposing function of thumb was reconstructed by combined transplantation of short extensor muscle of great toe short extensor muscle of toes or short abductor muscle of great toe in the same time of freeing the second toe .

    在游离第二足趾的同时游离伸口止 、伸 短肌或口止母短展肌组合移植重建再造拇指对掌功能;

  • Treatment of skin degloving injury in most part of finger by combined transfer of the second toe with the great toe fibular flap

    第二 套状切取加 趾腓侧皮瓣组合移植治疗手指大部皮肤脱套伤