


  • We watched the little boy toddle up purposefully to the refrigerator .

    我们看著那小男孩 特意 到冰箱

  • I can think of only one down by the beach in an area too remote to easily toddle to the pub with your legs crossed .

    我所能想到的只有一个,沿海滩向远走, 远到你不能轻易地 到酒馆。

  • The baby has just learned to toddle .

    小孩子刚 走道

  • I thought we might toddle across the road for a pre-dinner drink .

    我想我们可以过马路在 饭前去喝一杯。

  • From toddle to almost fledged Great wall hotel displayed its talent for the first time and is making phenomenal progress to become stronger more dedication and self-confident .

    金长城大酒店从 蹒跚 学步到羽翼渐丰,从初露锋芒到高歌猛进,金长城将一 步步走向坚强,走向自信; 金长城将一 步步走向执着,走向辉煌。

  • To move with a waddling motion ; toddle .

    摇摇晃晃地走趔趔趄 地移动,移动;

  • She fell while toddling around .

    摇摇摆摆 到处 走时 摔倒了。

  • And toddle off to sleep soundly to await the alarms of the morning .

    然后 一直 直到早上的警报