



  • Though I do more real work to-day than all the week besides .

    不过我 今天作的工作,同一个礼拜作的工作比起来才是真正的工作。

  • But he will not greet thee to-day ;

    但是他 今天不会招呼你;

  • If you were never particularly struck by her manners before 'said she 'I think you will to-day .

    “如果你以前不是特别喜欢她的风度的话,”爱玛说,“我看你 今天一定会 喜欢的。

  • To-day 's game was so dull without Yao ming I even fell asleep on the sofa !


  • Come will you breakfast with us to-day ?

    啊,您 今天和我们一起进早餐吧?

  • I cannot adequately express my appreciation of the honor which you are doing me and my country to-day .

    对于 今天大家给予我和我的国家的荣誉,我 不知 怎样才能表示感激之

  • If he brought you yesterday a new proposition he would bring you to-day another not less revolutionary .

    如果他昨天给了你一个新想法。 今天他会给你另一个提议同样具有革命性。

  • I do not know what was the matter with him to-day .

    我不知道他 今天是怎么一回事。

  • Well you can do to-day for me that which I did for you in the olden days .

    那么,我从前是怎样对待您的,您 今天也可以怎样对待我。

  • We must begin to drink out of glasses to-day Walter .


  • To-day you serve napoleon and you ought to protect him & it is equally your duty ;


  • I have had enough of witnesses to-day and to-night ;


  • We caught him to-day but he knows nothing ; I have kept him with us .

    今天 到的,可他什么都不知道,我把他留下来了。

  • I had prepared it beforehand for I am much in want of money to-day .

    纸条是我事先准备好的,因为我 今天 急需钱用。

  • ' to my thinking the cows don 't gie down their milk to-day as usual .

    照我看呀, 今天这些奶牛出奶和平常有些不同。

  • Did you have no suspicion before to-day that there was anything between them ?


  • But to-day I wish to nurse you carefully .


  • If I am impatient to-day forgive me my love .

    假如我 今天烦躁不安。我爱,宽恕我吧。

  • Let me go out to-day and you look after the house by yourself .

    我要 着它去 接受 洗礼所以 今天要出去一下,你一个人在家看家,好吗?

  • But he will not greet thee to-day ; nor must thou greet him .

    但是他 今天不会招呼你;你也不该招呼他。

  • Have you got leave to go to shrift to-day ?

    你已经得到准许 今天去忏悔吗?

  • I 'm bought by the government for to-day .


  • But to-day he only had to listen because the little girl talked and talked and talked .

    今天,他只要听就 足够了,因为这小姑娘不停地说呀,说呀,说呀。

  • That 's the greatest thing I have seen to-day .

    这就是我 今天所看见的最伟大的东西了。

  • Even your mother was out to-day for above an hour .

    连你母亲都在 外边 了一个多小时。

  • For to-day a new man is beginning to rule over them ;

    由于, 今天 有一个新人来统治他们了;

  • I was dreadfully alarmed yesterday but the case is very different to-day .

    昨天可把我吓坏了,不过 今天的情况就大不一样了。

  • I suppose there 's no harm in going after such a thing to-day says he .

    “我想 今天做这样的事应该没有关系吧,”他说。

  • Haven 't you got a letter from father to-day ?
