



  • But you may come again in the cool of to-morrow morning .

    你可以 明天早上天凉再来

  • I 've got to get another one to-morrow .


  • Gay you will be rewarded to-morrow .

    盖伊, 明天 早上 会奖赏您。

  • I will eat to-morrow .


  • Off with you boys and tell the sheriff & get your breakfast to-morrow morning !

    快去吧,孩子们,去告诉警长 明天早晨 再吃早饭吧!

  • We work to-morrow night .

    我们 明天晚上 活儿

  • What is it that you are going to do to-morrow evening ? tell me .


  • But to act that each to-morrow .

    而是行动,为了每一个 明天

  • At what time will the hearse come for the coffin to-morrow ?

    灵车在 明天 点钟来 棺材?

  • To-morrow I will take you out to dine with me .


  • He would see how things turned out to-morrow and then he would talk to her .

    他要看 明天情况而 。然后他会和她谈谈。

  • I know that till to-morrow I shall see the sun arise .

    我知道,直到 明天我看见太阳升起。

  • I shall not ride to-morrow certainly said Fanny ;

    “我 明天真的不骑,”范妮说。

  • But to-morrow 's wash day she objected weakly .

    可明天 洗衣服,她 有气没力地反对。

  • I should like it early as I am going into the country to-morrow .

    我希望能早一点,因为 明天我要到乡 下去

  • The tilbury and the horse will be in front of my door to-morrow morning at half-past four o'clock .

    这小车和马在 明天早晨四点半钟一定要在我的门口等。

  • Look and to-morrow late tell me .


  • The flower that smiles to-day To-morrow dies ; All that we wish to stay Tempts and then flies .

    今天 微笑的花朵 明天就会枯萎;我们愿留贮的一切诱一诱人就飞。

  • Pray as if you were to die To-morrow .

    祈祷时就像你 明天 要死 的。

  • To-morrow maybe he would do better .


  • We are going to Box Hill to-morrow ; - you will join us .

    我们明天去 博克斯山,你跟我们一

  • It is to-morrow that I am to bring you in .

    我得在 明天领您进来。

  • I shall indeed stand with thy mother and thee one other day but not to-morrow .

    真的,终有一天,我一定同你妈妈和你站在一起,不过 明天

  • O my dear my dear will you bless me as fervently to-morrow ?

    啊,我亲爱的,亲爱的,你 明天也愿这样热烈地为我祝福么?

  • To-morrow they were to have met and gone off & where ?

    本来他们 明天 会合 一起 私奔的&-到哪里去呢?

  • What shall I bring to your feet to-morrow I wonder ?

    我不知道 明天我该将什么供奉在你的足前?

  • Wilt thou stand here with mother and me to-morrow noontide ?

    你愿意在 明天中午的时候,跟妈妈和我一块站在这儿吗?

  • She 's supposed to leave the hospital to-morrow but I don 't think she 's up to it .


  • Your guide will meet you in the hotel lobby at10 am to-morrow morning .

    你们的导游 明天上午10点将在旅馆大堂和你们见面。