to the fore


  • In this way many fine people will come to the fore .

    这样, 大批 优秀人物就会产生。

  • Only the people who making good use of time can come to the fore in the fast-paced society .

    只有能好好利用时间的人可以在步调快速的社会中 脱颖而出

  • If things were different other names would have come to the fore .

    如果情况发生了变化,就会有其他人走上 前台

  • As the project developed unsuspected difficulties came to the fore .

    随着工程项目的发展,没有料到的困难 接连出现了。

  • This question has again come to the fore with yesterday 's first-ever Strategic Economic Dialogue between the two nations .

    这个话题昨天在首次中印经济战略对话中又一次 涌现 出来

  • These facts and circumstances were well to the fore earlier this year at a world gathering about aging as a challenge to science and to policy held at Vichy in France .

    这些事实和情况早些时候在法国 维希举行的一个世界 大会上被视为科学家和政策的挑战而置于显著的地位。

  • He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age .

    他在早年就 杰出 物理学家。

  • In this match more promising players are expected to come to the fore .

    这次比赛中,估计会 涌现 更多有希望的运动员。

  • A rising China will fuel economic growth and prosperity and it will bring to the fore a new partner with whom we can meet global challenges together .

    中国的 崛起将促进经济增长和繁荣,带来一个可共同应对全球挑战的新伙伴。

  • ' That 's a topic which has come to the fore very much recently . ' — ' Indeed . '

    “那是最近才 受到 众人 关注的一个话题。”——“确实如此。”

  • It would be many years before the idea of evidence based policy would come to the fore .

    证据为基础制定政策的想法要经过许多年才会 引起 人们 注意

  • With the development of technology come to the fore a new generation of exciter filter .

    随着科技的发展,新一代励磁机滤网 脱颖而出

  • In his lectures to angry comrades his genes as the scion of chiefs were to the fore .

    当他对着愤怒的同志们演讲时,他作为酋长后裔的基因 凸显出来

  • Innumerable fine cadres have come to the fore from among the masses .

    群众中 涌现无数优秀的干部。

  • Later his religious temperament came to the fore .

    后来他显露 了他的宗教 气质

  • Scientific policies must be formulated to encourage talented people to come to the fore .

    重视人才的 作用,必须制定激励人才 脱颖而出的科学政策。

  • I wonder how he came to the fore .

    我想知道他如何 出人头地

  • At present when the contradictions with national capitalism and small production with respect to ownership have been basically resolved contradictions in other respects have come to the fore and new contradictions have arisen .

    现在,在所有制方面同民族资本主义和小生产的矛盾也基本上解决了,别的方面的矛盾 突出 出来了,新的矛盾又发生了。

  • He is a total incompetent . A worker with ability and character will always come to the fore .

    工作中一个有能力有个性的人总会 出人头地

  • Mr Dudley has now come to the fore too late .

    达德利如今站 台前,可惜为时太晚。

  • Such issues have come to the fore in a parliamentary inquiry into adult literacy now under way .

    如今英国议会正在调查成年人的读写能力,这些问题已经 表露无遗

  • Your sense of humor comes to the fore with today 's position of the planets .

    今天的行星位置 使你充满 幽默感。

  • Under his leadership trading and risk-taking have pushed to the fore reducing the influence of its investment banking advisers .

    在他的领导下,交易和冒险扮演 主要 角色,降低了投行顾问的影响力。

  • He had never been anything more than a good official but wartime conditions brought him quickly to the fore because of the special qualities of his character .

    以前他不过是个称职的公务员,但是由于他品格中具有的特性,战时的状况使他很快 成为一个 风云人物

  • Possessed of such qualities how do you bring them to the fore and snare the job ?

    既然具备了这些优秀素质,你 怎样把它们 充分 展示 出来并谋得这份工作呢?

  • A wicked mordant sense of humour has come to the fore in Blur 's world .


  • With ideology disappearing as a source of identity he saw religion moving to the fore .

    当意识形态作为一种身份认同的资源消失后,他发现了信仰 回到人们 面前

  • Innumerable activists have come to the fore from among the masses .

    群众中 涌现 无数积极分子。