to stay up late

[tu ste ʌp let][tu: stei ʌp leit]


  • I really don 't want to work overtime to stay up late now the happiest thing is sleeping !

    我真的不想加班 熬夜,现在最幸福的事是睡觉!

  • My daughter allows her8-year-old son to stay up late at night watch adult TV and eat lots of sweets .

    我女儿 任凭她8岁大的孩子看成人电视看到 ,吃很多的糖果。

  • Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie tonight .

    罗纳德今晚 晚点 ,看一出电影。

  • I like to stay up late . It 's the best time for me to write .

    我喜欢 熬夜。那是我写作最好之时间。

  • I like to stay up late .

    我喜欢 熬夜

  • It wouldn 't do any harm to stay up late for a few days .

    仅仅 几天 不会 你造成任何伤害。

  • Every evening I will wonder if he has to stay up late to finish his work .

    每天深夜,我会 被子 里面猜想他是否 还在因为没做完的工作而 熬夜

  • It 's tempting to stay up late to enjoy the peace and quiet but6:30 a.m.comes fast and being overtired makes the morning much tougher .

    容易 熬夜,享受夜间的平静和安静,但是很快就到了早晨六点半,过于疲倦让早晨更棘手。

  • With a report to write he had to stay up late .

    有一篇报告要写,他 只好 深夜

  • Mr. Nelson has suggestions for people who work late at night or those who like to stay up late .

    纳尔逊对上夜班和喜欢 熬夜的人提出了一些建议。

  • It 's so tempting to stay up late : the time between my older daughter 's bedtime and my own bedtime is one of my very favorite parts of the day .


  • He missed two classes so he had to stay up late to catch up on his homework .

    他误了两堂课,所以 必须 熬夜才能做完作业。

  • It doesn 't pay to stay up late to play video games .


  • The children got to stay up late and watch a good movie for the family .

    孩子们 可以 睡觉,看一部适合合家共赏的好电影。

  • Thats why you should have the steak ( extra points for grass fed ) and avoid the pasta if you want to stay up late .

    这就是为什么如果你 熬夜就应该吃点儿肉排(最好是草食动物),而不是意面。

  • Unlike me my husband likes to stay up late .

    我丈夫与我相反,喜欢 熬夜

  • Shousui means to stay up late or all night on New Year 's Eve .


  • Experts from the University of Madrid carried out tests on around 1 teenagers and found that those who preferred to stay up late demonstrated the kind of intelligence associated with prestigious jobs and higher incomes .

    马德里大学的专家在约1000名青少年当中开展了测试,发现那些喜欢 熬夜的青少年表现出与显赫工作和高收入相关的才智。

  • He asked his son not to stay up late .

    他要儿子 不要 熬夜

  • I 'll allow you to stay up late for this once .

    这回我就让你 晚点

  • I used to stay up late with my mom and watch movies .

    我以前 总是和妈妈一起 熬夜看电影。

  • With so much homework to do I will have to stay up late tonight .

    有这么多作业要做,今天晚上我 熬夜

  • The doctor does not permit me to stay up late .

    大夫不允许我 熬夜

  • I am going to stay up late to finish my paper .

    为了完成报告我 打算 熬夜

  • The researchers examined the habits and body clocks of the youngsters to determine whether they liked to stay up late and sleep in later in the morning or preferred to go to bed early and were at their peak in the morning .

    研究人员观察了这些青少年的习惯和生物钟,以确定他们是喜欢 晚睡 晚起,还是喜欢早睡早起。

  • I like the night used to stay up late !

    我喜欢黑夜,习惯 晚睡

  • The times that our children get to stay up late are few and far between .

    我家的孩子很少有机会这么 睡觉

  • However if you really want to stay up late you can turn up the lights and it will help enormously .

    不过,如果你真的 点儿 ,你可以开着灯,这会大大帮助你清醒。

  • It is also a tradition to stay up late during the festival playing mahjong or singing karaoke .
