tongue forceps

[tʌŋ ˈfɔrsəps][tʌŋ ˈfɔ:səps]


  • Most of the clinical using tongue forceps use the stainless steel materials and have hard texture so the tongues and the oral mucosa of the patients can be injured easily .

    临床中使用的 ,大多采用不锈钢材料,质地坚硬,容易损伤病人的舌及口腔粘膜。

  • Tongue depressors reading glasses forceps and similar products are called Class I devices and are largely exempt from agency reviews .

    板,老花镜,和医用 钳子以及类似的产品被划分为第一类设备,并且在很大程度上是免于机构评估的。