

[医] 扁桃体

  • Methods One hundred and twenty-seven cases which showed the symptoms of the Chiari 's malformation associated with syringomyelia were confirmed by MRI . The hernia of tonsilla cerebelli was removed and the dissepiment that located in the mouth of the central canal of spinal cord was opened .

    方法127例Chiari畸形并脊髓空洞经MRI确诊,采用小脑 扁桃体 疝切除,并脊髓中央管开口隔膜切开术。

  • Cecum tonsilla lie in lamina propria and submucosa of cecum mast cell not be found in the lymphoid tissue of cecum tonsilla ;

    盲肠 扁桃体 分布在盲肠 的固有膜和粘膜下层内,在盲肠扁桃体的淋巴组织内未见肥大细胞分布;

  • Distribution of Mast Cells in Spleen Cecum and Cecum Tonsilla of the Francolin

    鹧鸪脾脏、盲肠及盲肠 扁桃体肥大细胞的分布

  • Result : The reasons for failure were early tube extration postoperative infection adenoid tonsilla and adenoid vegetation .

    结果:过早 管、 管过早、术后感染 以及 扁桃体、腺样体肥大是 鼓膜 管无效的原因。

  • A study of Langerhans cells in epithelium of human tonsilla palatina

    人腭 扁桃体上皮中郎格罕氏细胞的观察