tongue sign

[tʌŋ saɪn][tʌŋ sain]

[医] 舌征(潜在性手足搐搦时的一种舌征,斑疹伤寒时,舌伸出困难)

  • Objective : Compared the well-known Glasgow Score with the clinic research the writer analyzed the change of tongue sign of 75 patients with serious wound in encephalon .

    目的尝试将 中医 变化作为对颅脑损伤患者预后评估的新方法。方法采用临床医学研究方法与国际公认的格拉斯哥评分方法比较,将75例颅脑损伤患者的 变化进行定性分析。

  • At every discharge by platoons Gavroche puffed out his cheek with his tongue a sign of supreme disdain .

    分队每发一次排枪,伽弗洛什就用 舌头鼓起他的腮帮子, 表示极大的蔑视。

  • The Relationship between the Changing of Tongue Sign and the Prognosis in Patients with Serious Wound in Encephalon

    颅脑损伤患者 变化分析与其预后评估的相关性研究

  • For example when the Maoris of New Zealand stick out their tongue at someone it is a sign of respect .

    例如,当纽西兰的毛利人对某人伸 舌头,这是 尊敬的表象。