to fan the air

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  • The ARM micro-controller is chosen as the CPU in hardware . And the temperature and pressure are gathered in the branch and waterway which are used to control the fan speed and to set the opening of air valve and water valve .

    硬件方面,控制器采用ARM系列单片机,采集风路和水路温湿度、压力等信号,用 控制 转速、 阀开度和水阀开度等控制参数。

  • According to geometry relation the 3D mathematical model for through flow fan impeller used by air conditioner is obtained and the parameterized geometry model for through flow fan impeller used by air conditioner is realized .

    根据几何关系,建立了空调用贯流 叶轮的三维数学模型,实现了 空调用贯流 机叶轮几何建模 参数化。

  • The coupling differential equation model of the fan blades and its surrounding air is made . The Wilson - θ method with well stability is used to solve the differential equation model . The fan blade mode with the surrounding air is obtained .

    运用威尔逊-θ法求解耦合微分方程,得到考虑周围空气作用 时风 叶片的模态,并用试验测试风机叶片在 空气中的模态,比较两种方法得到 模态。

  • The iso-parametric element is used to discretize the fan blades and its the surrounding air . The random intensity of pressure of the surrounding air is solved by the Galerkin method . The gas coupled with the structure directly by the gas mass matrix .

    叶片和周围 空气选用相同的三维等参单元进行离散,应用Galerkin法计算气体内任意点压强,气体通过质量矩阵直接与结构耦合,推导出风 叶片与周围气体耦合微分方程模型。

  • Meanwhile Orthogonal optimization is used to investigate the influence of heat source distribution top-fan inner-window fan and its installation position on the exhaust air rate of atrium .

    在热压通风的基础上,研究此时中庭内的气流特性。采用正交设计分析热源分布形式、顶部风 、内窗 及内窗风 的安装位置对中庭排 风量 影响大小。

  • The influence of the pressure and temperature distortion to the engine stability is one of important target to evaluate aircraft engine . The fan and compressor is the most sensitive part to the air current .

    压力和温度畸变对发动机稳定性影响的评定是当代 航空燃气 涡轮发动机 适用性战术指标 重要内容之一。

  • He listened to the quiet hum of the window fan and felt the still cool morning air that filled the bedroom .

    听着 风扇发出微弱的嗡嗡声,感到卧室里清晨的 空气,仍然是那么凉爽。

  • According to the current situation in our country it is most common to use the fan coil unit as the terminal air handing equipment . So domestic scholars have purposed dry coil system namely make the fan coil unit operate in the dry condition .

    根据我国工程实际应用的情况,采用 盘管作为末端 空气处理设备的 空调系统在我国应用最为普遍,国内学者提出了干盘管系统,即末端风 盘管干工况运行的独立新风系统。

  • Therefore frost damage to the tea plant can be avoided or reduced by convecting the thermal inversion layer with a fluid machinery ( fan ) which pushes the top warmer air downward to the canopy and mixes with the cold air to increase the canopy temperature .

    因此,利用 等机械装备扰动茶园近地逆温层,将上方较暖 空气强制对流吹向下方低温的茶树冠层,可提高其温度,从而防止或减轻茶树霜冻害。

  • Air entering the upper sections is closer to the fan and travels though the tower at a higher velocity than air at lower levels .

    空气进入上部节 接近 风扇和旅行虽然塔在更高的速度比 空气在较低的水平。

  • The main mine fan to fan charged with the continuous delivery of fresh air exhaust air and dust and dirty task of ensuring the safety of mine production .

    主扇通风 担负着 井下不断的输送新鲜 空气、排出粉尘和污浊气流以及确保矿井生产安全的重任。