to the ground

[tu ði ɡraʊnd][tu: ðə ɡraund]


  • Jobs in manufacturing are relatively scarce but I keep my ear to the ground .

    制造业的就业机会相对很少,但是我时刻留意着 信息

  • We slid down the roof and dropped to the ground .

    我们沿着屋顶滑了下来, 落到

  • She snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground

    她脚后跟被一个树根绊了一下, 踉踉跄跄地摔倒 上。

  • Their London house suits them down to the ground .

    他们在伦敦的房子很合他们 心意

  • As I bent over ; my fountain pen fell to the ground .

    我一哈腰把钢笔掉 了。

  • The enemy plane plunged to the ground .

    敌机 下来了。

  • Fuentes tore off his hat and flung it to the ground .


  • The wounded bird fluttered to the ground .

    那只受伤的鸟扑着翅膀 落到

  • The ice cream plopped to the ground .

    冰激凌啪 一声掉 了。

  • Terror rooted him to the ground .

    他吓得 呆若木鸡

  • Towns such as Mittelwihr and Bennwihr were virtually razed to the ground .

    如米特维尔和本维尔这样的城镇基本上被夷 平地

  • He fell to the ground and the gun tumbled out of his hand .

    他跌 ,枪从手里摔了出去。

  • They were knocked to the ground and robbed of their wallets

    他们被打倒 并被抢走了钱包。

  • He threw me to the ground and started to kick

    他把我摔倒 开始踢我。

  • He dodged the enemy 's assault and threw him to the ground .

    旁边一闪,顺势把敌人 摔倒了。

  • Lenny swayed for a moment then dropped to the ground impaling himself on his switchblade

    伦尼晃了一下,然后倒 ,他的弹簧刀刺穿了自己的身体。

  • She fell to the ground on her knees and prayed


  • They were knocked to the ground beaten senseless and robbed of their wallets

    他们遭重拳击倒 ,被打得 不省人事,钱包也被抢走了。

  • He plunged 300ft to the ground when his parachute collapsed

    降落伞突然瘪了,他从300英尺的高空跌落 地面

  • The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground

    这架喷气式飞机突然着火,急速 坠地

  • All around me leaves twirl to the ground .


  • Ford vowed that he would sooner burn his factory to the ground than build a single vehicle for war purposes

    福特郑重声明他宁可把自己的工厂 付之一炬,也不愿意生产一辆用于战争的车辆。

  • The town was razed to the ground after the French Revolution .

    该镇在法国大革命后被夷 平地

  • How many buildings were burnt to the ground in the late fire ?

    在最近的 火灾中有几座大楼被烧 平地

  • The speeding motorist was pinned to the ground by angry locals who took the law into their own hands until police arrived .

    愤怒 当地人以暴代法——将超速司机强行按在 上,直至警察赶来。

  • A complete tenement block was burnt to the ground

    整幢公寓大楼被 付之一炬

  • He locked his knee against the man 's inner thigh and sent him sprawling to the ground .


  • The youth got him by the front of his shirt and flung him to the ground .
