to take a shower

[tu tek e ˈʃaʊɚ][tu: teik ə ˈʃauə]


  • But now they 're being told to take a shower to avoid unpleasant odors on the Tube .

    日前,乘坐地铁的人们被告知:上车之前最好 ,以避免那些让人不愉快的气味。

  • It 's too hot . I have to take a cold shower every now and then .

    天太热了,我时不时就 要冲 一下 参考 答案

  • My legs are giving out my brain is going to neutral I need to take a shower and go to bed .

    我的腿不听使唤了,我大脑变得迟钝,我 要冲 然后上床睡去了。

  • His morning ritual is to make coffee take a shower and have breakfast .

    他早晨习惯就是泡咖啡, 冲凉和吃早饭。

  • I want to order a single suite that takes to take a shower .

    我想订一 洗澡 的单人套房。

  • Well its really getting late and its time to take a quick shower and hit the hay .

    好了,时间真得不早了,该 洗洗

  • We will have no water to take a shower .

    我们会没有水 洗澡

  • All right . I want to take a shower first . I 'm exhausted !

    好吧。我 。累死了!上传:韩萱。

  • That allows someone time to take a shower or even go for a quick swim without having to wear the charger .

    这使得病人无需携带充电器,而有足够的时间 甚至快速游 泳。

  • Can Los Angeles continue to dominate as the country 's capital of entertainment and glamour and Silicon Valley as the center of high tech if people are forbidden to take a shower for more than five minutes and water bills become prohibitively expensive ?

    如果居民的 洗澡时间不准超过五分钟,水费账单高得离谱,洛杉矶还能维持美国娱乐和魅力之都的地位吗,硅谷还会继续是高科技中心吗?

  • And I also want to know which countries take a shower in the morning like America and which countries take a shower at night like China .

    还有,我 知道哪个国家的人像美国人那样早上 洗澡,哪个国家又像中国人那样在晚上洗澡。

  • I cannot wait to change these clothes and take a shower .

    我要赶紧 换衣服和 洗澡

  • Eg : After jogging be sure to take a shower before going to work .

    慢跑后 务必 再去工作。

  • I 'm going back to my room and take a hot shower .

    房间 热水

  • We moved to the small apartment there was only a shower in the bathroom it was so cold to take a shower in such a freezing winter .

    我们搬到了一个小公寓,只有一个洗澡间,在这样的冬天 洗澡真是 冻死人了。

  • He wanted to take a shower with soap . He wanted to drink a chocolate soda .

    用香皂 淋浴,他想喝瓶巧克力汽水。

  • I wanted to take a shower but I forgot we made applesauce in it last night .


  • Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take a shower with a deer stag head spewing water onto you ?

    你有没有想过用墙上鹿头雕像喷水 洗澡

  • No I smell . I need to go home and take a shower .

    不要了,我浑身臭汗, 必须回家

  • But if you 're at school or work it 's not possible to take a nice refreshing shower .

    但,如果你正在上班或上学,就不可能 淋漓尽致的清爽 淋浴

  • Don 't switch on the water heater I want to take a cold shower .

    你有病啊?天气这么冷,你怎么 冷水

  • M : All right . I want to take a shower first .


  • I get to take a shower . I get to take a shower .


  • Changsha resident Wang Yan awoke late on Sunday morning to discover her water heater was broken meaning she would have to take a cold shower .

    长沙居民王琰周日早上醒来得晚,她发现她的热水器坏了,这意味着她将 冷水

  • If you don 't have time both to exercise and take a shower find an activity that doesn 't require a shower afterward like yoga or walking .

    如果你没有时间锻炼, 洗澡,那么找一个不需要时候洗澡的活动,例如:瑜伽或步行。

  • People who are chronically late underestimate how long it will take them to take a shower get dressed and reach a destination .

    那些经常迟到人往往错误地预估了他们 洗澡、换衣服以及到达目的地的时间。

  • In November there was outcry after a10-year-old American girl was tasered by police called in by her mother when she refused to take a shower .

    在十一月, 个10岁的美国女孩不 淋浴,其母亲召来警察用泰瑟枪将她麻痹。此事引起强烈抗议。

  • She was too tired to take a shower

    她累 都懒得

  • After playing Taiji for a long time I love to take a cold shower and sit with a cup of tea so I can feel fresh again and ready for my next activity .

    打太极很长一段时间后,我爱 冷水 ,坐在一杯茶,让我能感觉到新鲜又和我的下一个活动准备。

  • Before he goes to bed he likes to take a shower .

    睡觉之前,他喜欢 冲凉