to feel bad

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感到不愉快, 有病

  • If Kris Wittenberg a 45-year-old entrepreneur from Vail Colo. starts to feel bad she tells herself ' Stop ' and jots down something she is grateful for .

    来自科罗拉多州韦尔市(Vail)、现年45岁的企业主克里斯•维滕贝格(KrisWittenberg) 感觉 时,会对自己喊停,然后记下一些让她感激的事情。

  • Surprising new research suggests it can actually be good to feel bad at work and that feeling good in the workplace can lead to negative outcomes .

    新研究的惊人发现表明,实际上工作时的 消极 情绪能带来积极效果,而积极的情绪却可能导致消极结果。

  • They start to feel bad about feeling discontented .

    这种 满足感开始 他们感到 安。

  • When you are fishing the sparkling sunshine in the water won 't make you to feel bad but very ease no glistening light any more .

    钓鱼的时候,水波在阳光的照耀下闪耀,但你丝毫不会 适应,反而觉提舒适逍遥,反光不见了。

  • I was starting to feel bad that I wasn 't more cautious about what we ate so I sought out the opinions of some food people I respect to see how they were feeling .

    听到这话,我 开始 觉得以前没有更关心食品问题是个 错误,因此开始向一些我看重的美食家们征询意见,想看看他们如何看待这个问题。

  • Because she didn 't want to make you feel bad .

    因为她 不愿看到你 伤心

  • The act of smiling is so strongly associated with positive feelings that it 's almost impossible to feel bad while smiling .

    微笑这一行为与正面积极的情感如此紧密地联系在一起,所以当你微笑时,你 感觉 沮丧的几率微乎其微。

  • It 's possible for bad to feel good and good to feel bad .

    变坏或者 都是可能的。

  • There is going to be a period where it is going to feel very bad still and very uncertain .

    还会有一段让 感到 糟糕而且很不确定的时期。

  • He 's beginning to feel pretty bad .

    他正 开始 感到 舒服

  • Don ´ t beat yourself up – It ´ s normal to feel bad sometimes .

    不要被自己打败&有些时候 感觉状态 正常。

  • And if you 're handling the relationship professionally there 's no need to feel bad about taking up your mentor 's time .

    如果以专业态度来处理与导师之间的关系,那就没有必要 占用导师的时间而 感到 内疚

  • Managers ( most of them anyway ) don 't give feedback to make you feel bad or put you down ; they do it because they want you to do well at your work both for the company 's sake and your own .

    经理们(当然不是所有的)不会 为了让你 难过而给你反馈,他们之所以给你反馈是因为他们希望你在工作上做得更好。这既是为了公司的利益也是为了你自己。

  • Television is designed to make you feel bad so you will buy products that make you feel better .

    电视就是 为了让你 感觉 舒服,所以你就会购买让你感觉良好的产品。

  • Everyone has a limit when they start to feel bad and stop being mean .

    每个人都有一个限度,当他们 开始 感到 了,就会停止使坏了。

  • Than to feel bad by not doing something you love .

    而不去做你 感到 终生 遗憾

  • Are you trying to make me feel bad ?

    你是 让我 歉疚吗?

  • Well that 's because we didn 't want you to feel bad sweetie .

    恩,那是因为我们不想你 难过,甜心。

  • No one can make you feel bad if you choose NOT to feel bad and you no need permission to feel good .

    没有人能让你颓丧,如果你选择不 颓丧,你的开心不需要任何人许可。

  • Pointing out absurdities or making jokes is a mature and healthy way to ease tension so there 's no need to feel bad the next time you feel the urge to crack a joke at an inappropriate time .

    指出荒唐或开玩笑是一个减轻紧张的成熟、健康的方法,所以在不适当时候有要说笑话的冲动时,没有必要 感觉

  • Oh I know I ought to feel bad now but I 'll do it later .

    “哦,我知道现在我应该 感到 难过了,但是我等会再做吧”。

  • You don 't have to feel bad about relaxing

    你不必 放松 感到 内疚

  • I don 't want to make you feel bad ;

    我不 让你们 伤心 难过

  • When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two they begin to feel bad .

    那些对尼古丁上了瘾的吸烟人,每过一两个小时(内)少尼古丁就会 感到 难受

  • Then also not to feel bad about it that if you do not get it very fast it 's all right .

    那么,也不要对那 感到 糟糕,如果你不能很快的达成,没问题。

  • Yee hesitated a minute because all planets know how beautiful moons are but then went ahead and smashed the two remaining moons together so that Lan would have no reason to feel bad .

    Yee犹豫了一下,因为所有的行星都知道月亮是十分美丽的,但它还是把剩下的两个月亮撞到一起,撞碎了。这样Lan就不 感到 伤心了。

  • Want that mean boss to feel bad ?

    想要刻薄的老板 感到 难过

  • Actually I am starting to feel pretty bad .

    事实上我 开始 感觉难受了。