to fall apart

[tu fɔl əˈpɑrt][tu: fɔ:l əˈpɑ:t]

崩溃, 土崩瓦解

  • Inadequate earth element equates to a form that begins to fall apart over time or fails to regenerate due to lack of adequate nutrients .

    土元素不充分可视为一个随时间开始 土崩瓦解的形态,或由于缺乏适当的营养素而无法再生。

  • One old and experienced firm was able to underpin the investment management industry but when its best analysts all chose to retire amid rumors of a scandal the whole field started to fall apart .

    一家历史悠久、经验丰富的公司可以支撑投资管理行业,但是当公司最好的分析师因为丑闻纷纷离职而去时,整个行业也 开始 分崩离析了。

  • Even as the situation seems to fall apart the desire for human connection remains .

    即使局势 似乎 分崩离析,人们依然存有与他人联系的渴望。

  • The swirling wind caused the entire house to shake and start to fall apart .

    旋转着的风使整个房子摇动起来,并逐渐 支离破碎

  • This old car is about to fall apart . you 'd better sell it .

    这部老爷车 解体了,你最好把她卖了。

  • If Ukraine really began to fall apart even some Poles might be tempted by the idea of the return of Lviv .

    如果乌克兰真的 开始 分裂,就连波兰都可能有人忍不住想要收回利沃夫。

  • Stable molecule why would it want to fall apart .

    稳定的分子,为什么它 分解

  • Although they spent more than six months studying together in the same classroom and grew their relationship during the most difficult of times their ties began to fall apart with the news .

    尽管这六个多月的时间里,他们在同一间教室里上自习;尽管这段最艰难的日子里,他们恋情也与日俱增, 当得知这一消息时,他们之间的情感 开始 崩塌

  • In the absence of political competition the fundamentals of a market economy start to fall apart .

    若缺乏政治竞争,市场经济的基础将 开始 瓦解

  • I thought the whole meeting was going to fall apart but you rescued that situation like a true professional !

    我原以为整个会议 土崩瓦解了,但你就像个真行家那样挽救了局势。

  • Without a long drawn-out period of cheap money from the government the bulls ' case begins to fall apart .

    没有政府长期提供廉价资金,多头看多的理由就 分崩离析了。

  • Insecurity and negativity won 't serve you well because you 'll be constantly holding your breath waiting for things to fall apart .

    不安全感和消极态度不会给你带来裨益,因为你要不断屏住呼吸、等着事情 失败

  • When it came out that Hull 's second wife had accused him of threatening her and that he had abused drugs and alcohol his campaign stared to fall apart .

    赫尔的第二任妻子控告他威胁她,并且他还吸毒酗酒时,他的竞选也就 到此 结束了。

  • The whole of Harlem seemed to fall apart in the swirl of snow .

    整个哈莱姆区 好象 散落在纷纷扬扬的雪花中了。

  • It took five months for the Chinalco deal hated by Rio shareholders to fall apart .

    过了5个月,这桩令力拓股东憎恨的交易 宣告 破裂

  • Pakistan a vital ally threatens to fall apart .

    而美国至关重要的盟友巴基斯坦,威胁 与其 分手

  • They have also been stoked by territorial claims to Arunachal Pradesh a north-eastern Indian state and predictions on Chinese websites that India a country of huge diversity is doomed to fall apart .

    北京宣称印度东北部“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”为中国领土,以及一些中国网站上有关印度这个多种族国家注定 四分五裂的预测,也起到了火上浇油的作用。

  • When Kezan begins to fall apart you give your life savings to a Trade Prince who promises you safe passage to the mainland .

    当科赞岛 开始 崩溃时,一个贸易亲王许诺你 你安全的带到大陆上,于是你就把你的毕生积蓄都给了他。

  • The Kid was a success . But Charlie 's private world continued to fall apart . He 's broken away from his family .

    《寻子 遇仙记》获得了极大的成功,但查理自己的家庭 继续趋向 破裂。他与家庭决裂,离家出走。

  • But then China and India both began to fall apart at just the time that Europe began to rise .

    然而,正当欧洲开始崛起时, 中印两国却开始 走向 衰落

  • He averaged only a few minutes a game but every time he was in the game things seemed to fall apart .

    他平均每场才有几分钟的时间,但每次他在场上的时候,形势 崩溃了。

  • Too much corruption like in America and the system fails and everything begins to fall apart .

    但是像美国这样充斥着腐败的话,体制会失败,一切都 崩溃

  • His promising career began to fall apart .

    他那本来前程似锦的生涯 开始 崩溃了。

  • When the wall began to fall apart it became clear that somebody should reinforce it with new materials .

    大墙 开始 倒塌,显然要用新材料来加固。

  • Merrill is not about to fall apart even though the big losses will have caused some concern among its retail client base .

    即便巨额亏损会在其零售客户中引发一些担忧,但美林还不 至于 倒闭

  • The old world is doomed to fall apart .

    旧世界必将 溃灭

  • It could be the beginning of something very big for you . His promising career began to fall apart .

    它可能成为你的锦绣前程的开端呢。他那本来前程似锦的生涯 开始 崩溃了。

  • It 's okay to fall apart for a little while .

    休息是 为了 更远, 偶尔 崩溃一下也 未尝不可