transverse crack

[trænsˈvə:s kræk][trænsˈvɜ:s kræk]


  • Judge of Transverse Crack of Thick-Walled Seam by Ultrasonic Testing Method

    厚壁焊缝 横向 裂纹的超声波判别方法

  • Under temperature drop and concrete shrinkage CRCP constrained by reinforced bar and foundation will crack inevitably . The effectiveness of CRCP is ensured by tight crack widths and adequate transverse crack spacings .

    在温降和干缩作用下,受到钢筋和地基约束的CRCP必然开裂,适当的 裂缝间距和较小的裂缝宽度是 CRCP良好性能的保证。

  • Dynamic analysis of rotor system with transverse crack based on finite element

    基于有限元的 横向 裂纹转子系统的动力学分析

  • Analysis of the transverse crack propagation in cross-ply laminates ( I ) & initial cracking

    正交叠层极 横向 裂纹扩展分析(Ⅰ)&初始开裂

  • The results show that the transverse crack and delamination are the major damage modes of the laminate and the damage development of delamination is a main and stable process and markedly leads to the decrease in stiffness of the laminate .

    结果表明, 横向 裂纹和分层是层板的主要损伤型式,分层损伤扩展是一个主导性的稳定的损伤扩展过程,是导致刚度下降的主要因素。

  • The crest have transverse crack which result in the seepage exiting from downstream slope of the dam ;

    坝顶存在 横向 裂缝,渗流很快从下游坝坡逸出;

  • The stability of the periodic motion decreases as the depth of the transverse crack on the rotating shaft increases .


  • In them transverse crack lengthways crack and other linear crack are hackneyed .

    裂缝是高速公路早期病害的主要形式之一,其中以 横向 裂缝、纵向裂缝等线状裂缝最为常见。

  • The local flexibility coefficients of the shaft with transverse crack are derived by employing a line-spring model using the fracture mechanics theory and the relation between the stress intensity factor and strain energy .

    根据断裂力学理论,采用线弹簧模型,借助应力强度因子和应变能之间的关系,导出了含 横向 裂纹轴的局部柔度系数;

  • Practice of controlling the surface transverse crack of high-strength Niobium bearing steel for continuous casting slab

    控制高强度含铌连铸板坯表面 的生产实践

  • An elastic rotor bearing system with a transverse crack is investigated based on nonlinear dynamics and rotor dynamics theory .

    以非线性动力学和转子动力学理论为基础,分析了含有 裂纹的弹性转子-轴承系统的复杂运动。

  • Mechanical Cause and Safe Crack Scale Estimation of Transverse Crack on Tube Inner Surface

    身管内表面 横纹 萌生的力学成因及安全裂纹尺度估计

  • Dynamic Study on Elastic Rotor-Bearing System with a Transverse Crack

    横向 裂纹的弹性转子-轴承系统的动力学研究

  • In the vehicle-load stress analysis the orthogonal anisotropic membrane model is established by treating the longitudinal bars as continuum and three dimensional finite element analyses is carried out with the consideration transverse crack .

    荷载应力分析中,将CRCP中纵向钢筋作连续化处理,建立了正交各向异性薄膜单元,对考虑 裂缝条件下的 CRCP荷载应力进行了三维有限元分析。

  • By the analysis of tensile stress components during the ECAP process the phenomenon of presenting transverse crack along ordinate axis of specimen in the experiment was reasonably interpreted . 9 .

    通过ECAP过程中应力状态分析,合理解释了试验过程中试件表面出现 裂纹的现象。

  • Through the theoretical analysis and numerical calculation this paper systematically studies the nonlinear vibration nonlinear dynamic response nonlinear dynamic stability bifurcation and chaos behaviours of the elastic disc-shaft rotor system with viscoelastic supported and transverse crack .

    本论文通过理论分析和数值计算,系统地研究了具粘弹性支承的、 横向 裂纹的、弹性盘轴转子系统的非线性振动、非线性动力响应、非线性动力稳定性及分岔和混沌行为。

  • Study on Reducing Transverse Crack on Heavy Slab Surface

    减少厚板坯表面 裂纹的研究

  • Study on J integration of mechanical heterogeneous welded joint containing transverse crack

    横向 裂纹的力学不均匀焊接接头的J积分研究

  • Simulation and experimental investigation on coupled stiffness of rotating shaft with transverse crack

    具有 横向 裂纹转轴耦合刚度的数值模拟和实验研究

  • Local strain concentration in angle-ply lay caused by transverse crack of circular lay in composite pressure vessel was studied by means of advanced shear-lag method .

    利用改进的剪切滞后法,研究了组成纤维缠绕压力容器中的环向层的 横向 开裂而在纵向层中引起的局部应变集中。

  • Influence of transverse crack model on shafting 's torsional shear stress

    轴系 横向 裂纹模型对其扭转剪应力的影响

  • Being a more serious defect transverse crack on slab surface is very harmful to slab production and quality .

    铸坯表面 横向 裂纹是连铸坯较严重的缺陷,其对铸坯的生产和质量危害很大。

  • This artide discussed the cause of concrete topping transverse crack and put forward some prevention .

    介绍了砼路面 横向 裂缝 产生的原因及预防措施。

  • The cause of transverse crack of compact pressed by floating die is analysed and the elimination measure of the transverse crack is proposed .

    分析了采用弹簧浮动阴模成形压坯 横向 裂纹产生的原因,提出了消除方法和措施。

  • Based on our provincial rolling concrete pavements the paper analyses transverse crack genesis and preventive measures .

    以我省的两条碾压砼路面为基础,分析了施工阶段 产生的原因及预防措施。

  • The preventive maintenance sections are divided by using dynamic cluster method and three indexes including rutting depth transverse crack length and skidding resistance .

    采用车辙深度、 横向 裂缝长度和路面抗滑性能指数三指标,使用动态聚类法,划分预防性养护路段。

  • The general and basic characteristics of rotor with a transverse crack are provided through large amount of simulation .

    通过大量的仿真计算,对 裂纹轴转子运动的基本特征进行了较为全面的 论证

  • Get the transverse crack depth median crack length the surface damage layer thickness and cutting parameters of the quantitative relation with the test .

    结合试验结果得到了 横向 裂纹深度、中位裂纹长度、亚表面损伤层厚度与锯切参数的关系。

  • The research results indicate that transverse crack will cause a decrease of the structure 's rigidity and an increase of the deflection but not lead to the whole structure 's failure .

    研究表明, 基体 横向 开裂导致结构刚度下降,挠度增加,但不会造成结构的整体失效。