transparent original

[trænsˈpɛrənt əˈrɪdʒənəl][trænsˈpɛərənt əˈridʒinəl]


  • The results show that refined bamboo vinegar is more transparent and rarely achromatous than original bamboo vinegar .

    结果表明,在基本理化性质方面,精制竹醋液较竹醋液 原液更加 透明,其色泽淡黄接近无色;

  • The results showed that the treated liquor was clean and transparent kept the original style and the physical and chemical indexes changed little after freezing and adding water .

    结果表明,处理后的酒经冷冻试验和加浆降度试验,酒液清亮 透明,保持 原有风格,理化指标变化不大。

  • The mutant strains were identified by naringin screening plate.31 mutant strains which colonies grew well and transparent zone diameter / colony diameter larger than the original strain M53 ( 1.21 ) were picked .

    挑取菌落生长旺盛、 透明圈大的菌株,其中 透明圈直径/菌落直径大于 出发菌株M53(1.21)的突变菌株有31株,并对其进行摇瓶发酵复筛,测定酶活力。

  • A real time holographic testing method of transparent objects by using the interference pattern formed by the reconstruction of the reference wave and the original reference wave is introduced .

    介绍了实时全息术检测 透明物的一种新方法,它采用物光再现的参考光和参考光通过全息图的 直透光所形成的干涉图纹检测 透明物体的变化。