transmission equivalent

[trænsˈmɪʃən ɪˈkwɪvələnt][trænzˈmiʃən iˈkwivələnt]


  • According to transmission line theory and distributed parameter theory it is pointed out that the sampling waveforms distortion is produced by multi-capacitance loading of fast-pulse transmission line . The equivalent distributed capacitance compensation model is proposed the two matching computing methods and formulas are given .

    根据传输线理论和分布参数理论提出 等效分布电容补偿模型,得出快脉冲 传输线上多个电容负载造成取样波形失真,并给出两种匹配计算方法和公式。

  • Using the transmission line equivalent method formulas are deduced to calculate the size of the rectangular patch antenna and dipole patch antenna .

    本文首先阐述了微带天线的辐射机理与分析方法,并利用 传输线 效法推导出矩形贴片天线以及偶极子贴片天线的尺寸计算方法。

  • Allocation of Transmission Losses Using a Radial Equivalent Network with the Same Incremental Transmission Loss Coefficients

    点对点损耗灵敏度一致的 等值辐射网 输电损耗分摊

  • PCB design is based on the signal integrity analysis through the lumped circuit elements ( resistors capacitors and inductors ) and transmission lines are equivalent modeling and analysis and thus the physical properties change into electrical model .

    PCB的设计是在基于信号完整性分析的基础上,通过对集总电路元件(电阻、电容和电感)和 传输线等进行 等效、建模分析,从而把物理特性转化为电气模型。

  • A narrow pulse with high voltage and short leading part is generated through the combination of avalanche transistors and the MARX Bank circuit . The bipolar pulse with good waveform is obtained based on transmission line theory and the lumped parameter equivalent circuit .

    采用雪崩管串联应用与MARX电路结合的办法产生了前沿较快的高压窄脉冲,利用 传输线反射耦合理论及其集总参数LC 等效电路得到了波形较好的双极性脉冲。

  • PN junction analysis with transmission line equivalent circuit model

    传输线 等效电路模型分析pn结

  • Characteristic matrix and transmission equivalent are defined and discussed .

    提出并讨论了部件特征矩阵和等 透射率 概念

  • And it is operated to analyze the structure model of multi layered resonator for ultrasonic separation and the transmission of ultrasonic in multi medium . The equivalent circuit of micro separator is present . The characteristic of MEMS ultrasonic separator based on plane standing wave is discussed . 2 .

    介绍了微分离器的多层谐振结构模型和超声波在多层介质中 传播的情况,利用声电类比分析了微分离器的声电 等效电路,并研究了基于平面驻波模式的MEMS超声分离器特点。

  • Research on Allocation of Transmission Losses Using a Radial Equivalent Network Importing ITL

    计入灵敏度的 等值辐射网络 损耗分摊方法研究

  • The research work as follows : First based on the transmission line equivalent circuit of rectangular waveguide with narrow side slots the angle distribution of slots in rectangular waveguide narrow side has been deduced .

    研究工作如下:首先在矩形波导窄边缝隙 等效 传输线电路的基础上,对矩形波导窄边缝隙的角度分布进行了推导的研究。

  • According to the transmission line of Mason equivalent circuit theory the metallic membrane plating structure of piezoelectric transducer is determinated . Then the length width and thickness of piezoelectric transducer and acousto-electro-optic crystal are calculated .

    然后利用 传输线的玛森 等效电路理论计算并确定了压电换能器的最佳镀膜结构,以及换能器的长度、宽度和厚度,和声电光晶体的长度、宽度和厚度。

  • The performance including the gain-bandwidth product and the gain unstability of multicavity masers of the reflection type and of the transmission type is systematically analyzed by the equivalent network method .

    本文用腔的 等效网络法比较系统地分析了微波固体量子放大器反射式、 传输式多腔的性能,其中包括增益带宽乘积以及增益不稳定性等。

  • A direct congestion management method based on Transmission Electricity Value Equivalent Pricing

    基于 输电 当量电价的直接阻塞管理

  • Using post fault voltages and currents from the two terminals a novel method for fault location based on transmission line 's equivalent sequence networks is proposed in this paper .

    利用 输电 线路两端的故障电压、电流量,提出了一种基于 输电线路 等效序网的故障测距方法。

  • The study shows that the cost of transmission is smaller when the equivalent circuit model is chosen . Therefore it is scientific to choose the equivalent circuit model in flow calculation . The result is conducive to achieve fairness in the flow calculation of network loss modification .

    因此指出,在网损修正的潮流计算中, 变压器选用∏型 等值电路模型,其 输电损耗数值最小,体现了该潮流计算的科学性,再以此结果进行发电报价网损修正,有利于实现公平。

  • Cavity performances were analyzed theoretically under the transmission and cut off mode based on equivalent circuit parameters of loaded antenna . It is proved that there were two resonant modes .

    理论分析表明在 传输线腔中存在两类谐振模式,分别是 传输模式下的谐振和截止模式的 谐振

  • Generalized isoreflectance contour map net transmission equivalent

    广义反射率等值线图 传输线净衰减 等效

  • At the same time it introduces how to pay more attention to equivalence teaching method . Based on Kuroda 's identities binomial form lossless nonuniform transmission line can be represented with the equivalent circuit that includes lumped elements and lossless uniform transmission line .

    指出在电子线路基础教学中重视等效方法教学的思路和途径。应用 科罗达等效方法可将二次项型无损耗非均匀线用无损耗均匀线及集中参数元件组成的 等效电路表示。

  • There are 2 calculation methods for short-circuit of 3-circuit transmission lines situated in parallel proximity : equivalent circuit method and computer digital simulation method .

    三回平行接近 输电线路的短路计算方法有2种: 等值电路法和计算机数字仿真法。

  • The calculation formula of the equivalent reflection coefficient and noise temperature of reflector antenna with the partially perforated surface are derived by the reflection and transmission coefficients and the equivalent feed .

    采用 等效馈源及凿孔表面的反射与 传输系数导出了部分为凿孔表面的反射器天线等效反射系数及天线噪声温度的计算公式。

  • The unit impulse response transmission function and equivalent noise bandwidth of the system are deduced ;

    导出了系统的单位冲激响应、 传输函数和 等效噪声带宽;

  • At he same time based on the theoretical knowledge of the in-depth study the multi-conductor transmission model and equivalent model have been built and.M-file for rail potential has been compiled under Matlab / Simulink environment .

    同时通过对理论知识的深入学习,推导建立了多导体 π型等值模型和 等效模型,并利用Matlab/Simulink环境,编写了研究钢轨电位问题的M文件以及Simulink仿真程序。

  • Based on the transmission probability method the equivalent homogenization parameters of fuel assembly and baffle / reflector are calculated according to the requirement of equivalent homogenization theory .

    穿透概率方法为基础,依照等效均匀化理论的要求计算了燃料组件和围板/反射层的 等效均匀化参数。

  • It provides some very different views on how customers and banks operate in the six countries . ELECTRICITY VALUE EQUIVALENT ( EVE ) PRICING SYSTEM AND RELEVANT SYSTEMS DESIGN Part Six Transmission Electricity Value Equivalent ( EVE ) Pricing Methodology

    该调查反映出此六国的客户及银行运作方式的一些炯然相异之处。当量电价体系及相关制度设计(六) 输电 当量电价理论与方法

  • A hierarchical transmission system reliability model which consists of equivalent element level substation level and network level is established and a computer algorithm based on the non sequential Monte Carlo simulation is proposed .

    建立了由 等效元件级、变电站级和网络级构成的 输电系统的分层可靠性模型并提出了基于非序贯蒙特卡罗仿真的概率模拟算法。

  • The design and analysis of rectangular waveguide bandpass filters made up of longitudinal metallic diaphragm using cut-off waveguide theory and the principle of uniform transmission line equivalent network is presented .

    本文提出利用截止波导理论和均匀 传输线的 等效网络理论,分析和设计矩形波导纵向金属膜片带通滤波器。

  • Then for the two-way MABC-AF-HD relaying system the relay selection schemes based on the average transmission rate and average equivalent channel gain are provided .

    于是针对两路MABC-AF半双工中继系统,提出了基于平均 传输速率和平均 等效信道增益的中继选择方案。

  • To apply SW-26 material of absorbable high power energy cause microwave power absorbed along transmission direction of equivalent antenna in the same length is equal .

    报导了 等效天线的设计原理,提出了用金红石陶瓷和 SW-26型高功率吸收材料组成吸收体吸收微波功率的设计 方案

  • The structure of this resonator is simple easy to facture and with the excellence characteristic of compact dimension steep cutoff frequency when made a filter its transmission characteristics equivalent the three-branch elliptic function low-pass filter .

    这种谐振器结构简单、容易制作,构成滤波器时具有结构紧凑、高衰减边沿陡度的优点,其 传输特性 等效三支路椭圆函数低通滤波器。