


  • The determination methods of trans - resveratrol was established .

    首先确立了 白藜芦醇的检测方法。

  • Janet Napolitano US Homeland Security Secretary yesterday conceded that flaws in existing security procedures had allowed a man armed with explosives to board a Detroit-bound trans - Atlantic flight on Christmas day .

    美国国土安全部长 珍尼特纳波利塔诺(janetnapolitano)昨日承认,现有安检程序存在的缺陷,使得一名携带爆炸物的男子在圣诞节登上了 穿越大西洋、飞往底特律的飞机。

  • Copolymers of trans - 1 - α - olefin


  • The polymers were characterized by Fourier trans - form infrared spectroscopy ( FT-IR ) . Acid value molecular weight and polydispersity index ( PDI ) of the polymers were determined by non-aqueous titration method and gel permeation chromatography ( GPC ) respectively .

    用红外光谱( FT-IR)表征了产物分子结构,用非水滴定方法分析了产物的酸值,用凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)测定了聚合物分子量和分子量多分散系数。

  • Hypertext and Trans - media

    超文本和 媒体的文学

  • I ought to visit the Mediterranean countries where British troops were stationed and also look in on Trans - Jordan .

    我应该去访问英国军队驻扎过的地中海国家, 顺路也去看望一下 约旦。

  • The cultural management was the rational choice of the contemporary management and the economic globalization has brought the enterprise 's trans - cultural management thus it initiates the trans - cultural management question .

    文化管理是当代管理的理性选择,经济全球化带来了企业的 文化经营,从而引发了跨文化管理问题。

  • Fifthly puts forward 4 suggestions for speeding corn trans - utilization procedure .

    第五提出了加快玉米 转化利用的4点建议。

  • Appropriate promotion and trans - formation for the objective model .

    目标模式的适度推进与 转换

  • This article according to the ETSI standard from the point of legitimately intercepts has analyzed the network data trans - mission model provided intercepts settings rule based on the different transmission model .

    本文根据ETSI标准,从合法侦听的角度分析了网络数据 传输模型,给出了该传输模型下侦听点的设置规则。

  • The coming 20 years is a founding and opening period of geography 's trans - century development .

    今后20年是我国地理科学 世纪发展的奠 基期和开拓期。

  • The dangerous substance in oil s : trans - fatty acids

    油脂中的有害物质 脂肪酸

  • Based on the investigation and monitoring in recent years the paper presented analysis and assessment of the current exploitation situation and the existing problems of trans - century marine fishery resourcees in the East China Sea and systematically discussed the exploiting potential and related measures against it .

    应用近几年调查研究和监测资料,对世纪之交 东海渔业资源的利用现状和存在问题作出了分析和评价,并较系统地分析、阐述了渔业资源开发利用潜力和应采取的相应对策。

  • The results show that both cis - and trans - form of NMF can form a linear hydrogen bond with water .

    计算结果表明,NMF的顺式和 构型都可以与水分子形成线型的氢键结构。

  • Aquaporin-4 ( AQP4 ) is an important structural basis for water regulation and trans - portation in the central nervous system which participates in physiopathological processes such as cerebrospinal fluid reabsorption osmotic regulation and cerebral edema formation .

    水通道蛋白4(AQP4)是中枢神经系统水调节和 运输的重要结构基础,参与脑脊液重吸收、渗透压调节、脑水肿形成等生理和病理学过程;

  • The cationic pincer platinum complexes were applied to the asymmetric Friedel-Crafts alkylation of indole with trans - β - nitrostyrene affording the product with up to80 % yield and60 % ee .

    初步尝试了阳离子钳形铂化合物在 硝基苯乙烯和吲哚的不对称傅克烷基化反应中的应用,最高取得了80%的收率和60%的ee值。

  • Objective To explore the significance of the trans - longitudinal fissure keyhole approach for distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms .

    目的探讨应用 纵裂微骨孔入路治疗大脑前动脉远段动脉瘤的临床效果。

  • Ordinarily translocation in higher plants is mainly concerned with sugar trans - port in sieve tubes .

    高等植物体内有机物的运输问题,通常研究的主要是富含糖分的 汁液在筛管中的 大量流动。

  • Discuss on the Issues of Trans - Century Marine Fishery Resource Exploitation & its Management in the East China Sea


  • Then summarizes the situation about on - spot trans - utilization of corn in Northeast region ;

    其次总结了东北地区玉米就地 转化利用情况;

  • To solve a nonlinear model of confining stratum doubling media with integral trans - formation

    应用积分 变换求解非线性封闭地层双重介质模型

  • In the period of trans - economy there is absence of restrictions to behaviors of the government .


  • Fourthly expounds existing problems in corn trans - utilization ;

    第四论述了玉米 转化利用中存在的问题;

  • The testing method of cis - resveratrol trans - resveratrol and piceid was determined too .

    同时建立了顺式白 藜芦醇及其 糖苷的测定方法。

  • The results showed that corresponding cis-and trans - β - sultams were generated in the reaction of benzyl sulfonyl chloride with benzylidene benzylamine but no product when reacting with benzylidene aniline which indicated that this reaction only occurred to N-alkyl substituted imines .

    结果表明苄磺酰氯与苄叉苄胺反应生成了相应的顺 β-磺内酰胺,而与苄叉苯胺无任何反应发生。表明N-烷基取代的亚胺才能发生反应。

  • Trans - administrative water pollution problems led the conflict between different administrative regions frequently .


  • An efficient method is introduced to calculate the reflection coefficient and trans - mission coefficient which are used in design and analysis of structural wave-absorbing compos - ites .

    为了解决结构型吸收材料的分析和设计中所遇到的反射系数和 传输系数的计算问题,提出一种有效的计算方法。

  • Results : The trans - and cis - fatty acids were separated each other .

    结果:顺、 式脂肪酸的分离良好;

  • The novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is moving readers ' hearts of different countries at different ages with its brand - new idea of love value extraordinary amorous experiences and strong female senses so that it has resulted in the trans - century effect .

    夏洛蒂·勃朗特的小说《简·爱》以其崭新的爱情价值理念、异乎寻常的爱情经历和强烈的女性意识,打动了不同国度、不同时代读者的心,因而产生了 世纪的效应。