

v.远远高于,远远超过( tower的过去式和过去分词 )(在能力、品德、名声等方面)胜过,远远超过(其他人)

  • His solid form towered over the pair of them and the expression on his face was still indecipherable .

    他的魁梧的身材在他们两人 面前 居高临下,他脸上的表情仍旧使人捉摸不透。

  • One of my classmates was six feet seven in height and towered above all of us .

    我的一个同班同学身高 6.7英尺,比我们 了一

  • Bach 's gifts towered over those of his contemporaries .

    巴赫的天赋 超过他所有同时代的人。这是一个 翻天覆地的时代。

  • The old oaks which had seen Indians pass under their limbs hugged the house closely with their great trunks and towered their branches over the roof in dense shade .

    那些曾经见过印第安人在 往来的老橡树,现在用它们的巨大躯干紧紧围住这所房子,同时用枝叶在屋顶上空 一起浓荫。

  • Graciously he bestowed it upon the woman who towered over him then leaned up to give her two kisses while she beamed .

    他郑重其事地把 花环 在比他 高大的老妇 人头上, 起脚吻了吻两颊,她喜形于色。

  • He towered above the rest in mathematics .

    他在数学方面 出类拔萃

  • He towered above his contemporaries . The castle domineers the town .


  • The tall building towered above all the others .


  • She looked more likely to breathe fire than Norbert as she towered over the three of them .

    耸立在他们三个人 面前,似乎 比诺伯更有可能喷出火来。

  • The icebergs towered above them .

    冰山 高耸 他们上方。

  • The grandfather rose ; he supported himself with both hands on his cane ; his lips were white his brow wavered but his lofty form towered above Marius as he bowed .

    老公 公立了起来,双手支在手杖上,嘴唇苍白,额头颤动,但是他的高大 身材 出于低着头的马吕斯。

  • Einstein was a man who towered above his contemporaries .

    爱因斯坦是一个 超出其同代人的人。

  • There towered the twelve oaks as they had stood since Indian days but with their leaves brown from fire and the branches burned and scorched .

    十二棵 橡树 高耸在那里,从印第安时代以来一直是这样,不过现在树叶被火 熏黑了一些,枝柯有的烧毁有的烤焦了。

  • The great socialist China has towered like a giant in the East .

    伟大的社会主义中国象巨人 一般 屹立在东方。

  • He towered over all his classmates .

    他的 个儿 比班里其他同学都

  • The general may not have been the perfect leader for his country but at the time he towered over anyone else .

    这位将军对他的国家也许算不上是一个完美的领导人,但在那时,他 其他人相比是 出类拔萃的。

  • His solid form towered over the pair of them .

    他的魁梧的身材在他们两人 面前 居高临下

  • He towered above his fellow workers .

    他的 能力胜过他的同事。

  • Above towered the white dagoba its chalky paleness casting a chilly gloom on all around so that the three lakes despite their man-made adornments revealed their full northern bleakness .

    白塔却 高耸到云间,傻白傻白的把一切都带得冷寂萧索,整个的三海在人工的雕琢中显出北地的荒寒。

  • He stood up and towered over her

    他站 起身来,比她 许多

  • There towered two belvederes one facing the other .

    竖着两座遥遥相对的 望楼

  • Walking slowly he came close to a big sunflower which towered above the others .

    他慢慢走近一朵大向日葵花,它 比别 花都

  • Mahone crawled up the towered too .


  • And when inflamed it towered a mere four inches .

    肿胀之时,也 只能 四英寸

  • This song proceeded from the gloomy edifice which towered above the garden .

    歌声是从园中 最高的那所大楼里 的。

  • Huge blocks of cement and glass towered over asphalt parking lots .

    成堆的水泥和玻璃 在沥青面的停车场上

  • A stark rocky promontory towered over a stand of majestic pines .

    一片悬崖 高耸在一片 巍巍的松树 之上

  • The citadel at Besan ç on towered above the river .

    贝桑松的城堡高高地 耸立在河边。

  • It towered like a giant above all the other tree near by .

    它像巨人般 高耸在近处的林木间。