total head

[ˈtotl hɛd][ˈtəutəl hed]


  • The two-way five-step ship lock with a113-meter total head of the Three Gorges project is the internal river ship lock with most steps and the highest total head in the world .

    三峡工程的双线五级、 水头113米的船闸,是世界上级数最多、总水头最高的内河船闸。

  • In case that the total head H < 100 m or flow velocity V < 35 m / s irregularities of not higher than 2-3 mm is suggested to avoid cavitation or other measures should then be considered .


  • Authors reviewed 16 cases of total hip arthroplasty and 69 cases of femoral head arthroplasty Excellent and good results were seen in 75 % of total hip arthroplasty and in 76 . 8 % of femoral head arthroplasty .

    髋部人工假体置换85例,其中人工 全髋关节置换16例,人工股 骨头置换69例。结果显示,全髋置换病人中,优良级和很好级病例占75%;

  • Conclusion : ( 1 ) After the complication being controlled and stable it is the first method of treating femoral neck fracture in elder patients that selection the total hip replacement or femoral head replacement .

    结论:(1)在并存症得到控制稳定后,及时地根据病人伤前生活质量来选择 全髋 置换是治疗高龄股骨颈骨折的首选方法;

  • A total of 22 cases with severe head injury received craniotomy for clearance of hematoma incision of tentorium and drainage of basicranial pool within 24 hours after injury were analysed in this article .

    报告重型 颅脑损伤22例,于伤后24小时内采用开颅清除血肿 并行天幕切开脑基底池引流。

  • Alumina-on-alumina Total Hip Arthroplasty for Treatment of Femur Head Necrosis

    全陶瓷 人工髋关节置换术治疗股 骨头坏死

  • Total hip replacement with autograft femoral head for dysplasia

    关节置换加自体股 骨头移植治疗 关节发育不良

  • Method of extracting total RNA from rabbit femoral head

    从兔股 骨头中提取 RNA的方法特点

  • Net Head is derived from Total Head minus Head Losses .

    净头是来自 总目负水头损失。

  • The invention discloses a method for producing the square taper distributing total tube of the head box of high-speed paper machine .

    本发明公开了用于高速纸机 箱的方锥布 总管及其制造方法。

  • METHODS : ① A dual-energy X-ray absorption meter was used to determine the bone mineral densities of orthophoric 1-4 lumber vertebrae total hipbone and head of femur in left hip in each group .

    方法①采用双能X线吸收骨矿含量测定仪测定各组对象第1~4腰椎正位和 总体髋部及左侧髋部 股骨颈的骨密度。

  • With an average class size of100 students cannot get individual attention and teacher training is a total blank says Zheng Wenguang head of the higher-education department .

    内蒙古科技大学高等教育研究所 所长郑文光称“学生无法得到个体关注”,并称教师培训“一 空白”。

  • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : ① The BMD of the 1-4 lumber vertebrae total hipbone and head of femur in left hip in each group .

    主要观察指标①各组对象第1~4腰椎和 总体髋部及左侧髋部股骨 骨密度。

  • Air velocities velocity pressure head and total pressure head were measured by electrical anemometer Pitot tube and the inclined manometer respectively .

    风速、动压、 压分别采用了热电风速仪、 皮脱管和倾斜式微压计测量。

  • The maximum heat flow and total heating of ball - head ;

    最大热流与 加热量;

  • The paper introduces the structural features of FP dilution water head box and the control principle of the head box incorporated with DCS and QCS including total head control air cushion control and the pressure and the level control in stock distributor .

    简要介绍了FP稀释水流浆箱的结构特点,论述了该流浆箱结合DCS和QCS的控制原理,包括流浆箱 控制、气垫控制、中心布浆器压力和液位控制。

  • The results showed that total milled rice rate and head milled rice rate were controlled mainly by direct effect of seed .

    结果表明, 精米率和整精米率主要受种子直接效应的控制。

  • With considering the effect of seepage the position of the exit point and the phreatic surface as well as the total head was calculated through iteration at first . The seepage forces were also determined according to the hydraulic gradient .

    考虑渗流作用时,先采用 有限元法计算坝体渗流场,通过迭代 计算出稳定渗流的逸出点和浸润线位置,并根据水力梯度计算坝体所受的渗透力。

  • Total Head & Sum of discharge head suction lift and friction loss .


  • The equation for total pressure head of pre-and post cutting blades was deduced by integration method when we know the performance parameters and the twisting law of original fan .

    在已知原有风机的特性参数及扭曲规律的情况下,本文通过积分法推导出切割前后的风机 压间的关系式,从而可以根据所需的全 大小找到合适的切割量。

  • An Investigation into Influences of Exhaust port Heat Insulating Methods on Total Temperature Field of Cylinder Head

    排气道隔热方式对气缸 整体温度场影响的研究

  • At the same time we analyzed the index of correlation between vertical of the face and total head height and correlation between landscape orientation of the face and maximum head breadth and obtained 28 groups of regression equation .

    同时,我们对面部 纵横行方向的数据进行相关性分析,得出28组回归方程。

  • The total water head and the stage water head for the ship-locks ' operation ; the project size and the structures ' grade all can share the fame of the largest in the world .

    船闸工作 水头和分级水头均为世界之最,工程规模大、建筑物等级高。

  • Arthritic dislocation is the common postoperative complication of total hip arthroplasty and larger ball head could be one of the efficient means to deal with this problem .

    关节脱位是 全髋关节置换术后常见的并发症,而采用大直径球 是减少术后脱位的可能途径之一。

  • An allowance may be made for this or the total head tubes may each be flattened at the tip .

    可采用修正的办法,要不就把每个 管的顶端做成偏平的。

  • In order to make stress by weld at least of the planer the total length width and thickness of alloy head of planer are optimized .

    为了使刨刀焊缝处所受的应力最小,对刨刀合金刀 长度、宽度和厚度等参数进行了优化,优化后,刨刀刀身和焊缝处的应力都有所减小。

  • There was very significantly negative correlation between total grains and rate of head milled rice ;

    粒数与整 精米率呈极显著负相关; 体位于最前方。

  • Based on the summarization of the current piping phenomenon research both at home and abroad in this paper the calculation methods of total head and Critical Hydraulic Gradient and the results of lab experiment and numerical simulation on piping are summed up in detail .

    对管涌现象国内外发展的现状作了总结,详细的归纳了管涌的 水头法、临界水力梯度等计算法和管涌的室内试验和数值模拟的成果。

  • At normal delivery and above when velocity distributions are fairly steady the pressure and total head generated may be derived from the velocity distributions with reasonable accuracy .

    在正常流量以上,当速度分布相当稳定时,压力和 扬程可由速度分布推得,并具有较高精度。

  • It can be concluded that the flow field in the high-speed centrifugal pump with a complex impeller is very complicated and there exists an obvious difference of flow features at various positions of passages the total head rise coefficient changes periodically .

    计算表明,高速复合叶轮离心泵内流场非常复杂, 叶轮流道在不同位置的流动情况差别较大,而 扬程系数呈周期性变化。