abbr.黄苷一磷酸xanthosine monophosphate 黄苷酸

  • The XMP packet is a XML document fragment embedded into other files . Generally it is a description about the metadata of the host file .

    XMP包,是嵌入宿主文件中的 结构良好的XML文档片段,一般来讲,它是对宿主文件元数据信息的 简单描述。

  • Therefore the first step was to define an . xmp ( XM Project ) file .

    因此,第一步是定义 .xmp(XM项目)文件。

  • And then the paper introduces XMP and XTP .

    然后介绍了 适用 实时 交易 系统的数据通信协议 XMP和XTP。

  • The results show that FWM XMP and SRS respectively take different effect under the different channel numbers and spacing ;

    结果表明,在信道数和信道间隔 同时,FWM、 XPM和SRS分别起不同作用;