xiphoid process

[ˈzɪfˌɔɪd ˈprɑsˌɛs][ˈzifɔid ˈprəuses]


  • And exited just below the xiphoid process of the sternum .

    刚好从胸骨的 剑突 穿出

  • Methods : The skin incision was from rib no. 3 ~ 5 to 1 ~ 2 cm below the xiphoid process .

    方法: 68 患者 皮肤切口起自3~5肋间, 剑突下1~2cm。

  • A 10.5 cm ( ranged 8 to 13 cm ) midline incision was made from the third rib to the base of xiphoid process . A transverse half sternotomy was made in the second intercostal space from the right border to the center of the sternum .

    切口自第3胸肋 关节 水平 剑突长度8~13cm,平均10.5cm, 自下而上 纵行劈开胸骨至第2肋间处向右侧横断。

  • The phrenic nerve was stimulated electrically at the midpoint of the posterior border of the sternomastoid muscle and the diaphragmatic compound muscle action potential ( dCMAP ) was recorded between the 7th and 8th intercostal space and xiphoid process .

    PNC检测是在胸锁乳突肌后缘中点用电刺激膈神经,于第7~8肋间和 剑突 记录膈肌复合动作电位(dCMAP)。

  • I 'm guessing the bullet struck the xiphoid process .


  • Whenever we lift or open the chest we actually want to lift the manubrium ( bone above the sternum ) upward while we lower the xiphoid process ( bone below the sternum ) downward toward the navel .

    当我们提起并打开胸腔时,我们实际上要提起胸骨柄(胸骨上面的骨头)向上,同时 胸骨向肝脏的方向下沉。

  • Observation on the Position of the Xiphoid Process and the Umbilicus by X & ray


  • Methods The model of hepatic impact injury was established in rabbits with a steel ball falling down to the xiphoid process of the animals . Static and dynamic imagings were conducted with ECT using nuclide as the tracer .

    方法采用钢球自由 落体复制家兔肝脏撞击伤模型,ECT静态和动态 采集观察核素显像。

  • The better way to find the free side of intraperitoneal lig teres hepatis was to incise at location of 2 . 7 cm right to the middle point of the line from xiphoid process to umbilicus .

    若行腹壁切开寻找肝圆韧带腹膜内位段的游离缘,则以在 剑突与脐连线中点的右侧2.7cm 附近 切口为佳。