toxin T-2

[化] 毒枝菌素

  • Conclusion T-2 toxin of minidoses can cause many biochemical indexes change these results show that T-2 toxin of minidoses can cause damage in many organs of rat .

    结论低剂量T鄄2 毒素可致机体多种生化指标改变,提示低剂量T 2毒素可能引起机体多器官损伤。

  • The overexpression of Bcl-2 and Bax were detected and Bax / Bcl-2 ratio was increased after T-2 toxin treated chondrocytes . Selenium could partly block the apoptosis of chondrocytes induced by T-2 toxin .

    硒能部分 对抗 T2 毒素引起的Bcl2和Bax表达的提高,使Bax/Bcl2比值下降,以降低凋亡率。

  • Conclusion A monoclonal antibody against T-2 toxin was prepared which makes a solid foundation for establishment of immunological methods for detecting T-2 toxin levels in food feed and biological fluid .

    结论成功制备出抗T-2 毒素单克隆抗体,为建立测定食品、饲料和组织液中 T-2毒素的免疫学方法打下了坚实的基础。

  • First T-2 toxin reacted with succinic anhydride in steam-bath to synthesize T-2 hemisuccinate ( T-2HS ) . Thin layer chromatography analysis showed that the objective hapten was obtained successfully .

    在蒸气浴条件下,T-2 毒素与琥珀酸酐(HS)反应合成了 T-2HS,薄层层析显示,目标半抗原合成成功;

  • Objective To investigate the damage of organism induced by mini-dose T-2 toxin and to lay a theory foundation for constituting the standard of T-2 toxin in cereals in the future .

    目的观察低剂量T-2 毒素对机体的损伤作用,为将来制定粮食中 T-2毒素含量卫生标准奠定理论基础。

  • Polyclonal antibody against T-2 toxin was produced using T-2 toxin immunity rabbits . It could be used to determine T-2 toxin in corn .

    T-2毒素免疫家兔,获得了抗T-2 毒素的多克隆抗体,运用该抗体建立了检测玉米中T-2毒素的 间接 竞争 免疫 吸附测定法。

  • The result showed that T-2 toxin could conjugate with BSA or OVA to produce T-2 toxin antigen .

    结果显示, T-2HS能与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)和卵清蛋白(OVA)结合生成 T-2毒素抗原。

  • The results indicated that T-2 toxin had an effect on ATP metabolism and the major organ involved in disturbance of energy metabolism was the chicken liver and Selenium played a significant role in preventing the decrease in ATP concentration caused by T-2 toxin .

    硒对T- 2 毒素引起的肝脏ATP减少有保护作用。

  • Conclusion T-2 toxin can obviously inhibit aggrecan and collagen ⅱ synthesis in human chondrocytes and selenium can partly antagonize the inhibitory effects of T-2 toxin on aggrecan .

    结论T-2 毒素对软骨细胞Ⅱ型胶原蛋白和蛋白聚糖合成有明显的抑制作用,微量元素硒对 T-2毒素引起的软骨细胞蛋白聚糖改变有一定保护作用。

  • Conclusion The obtained polyclonal anti-idiotype antibody was the inner image with T-2 toxin and can be used to replace T-2 toxin standard in ELISA .

    结果所研制的抗独特型抗体经过鉴定,是Ab2β型,与T-2 毒素存在内影像关系。结论该抗体可以替代 T-2毒素标准品应用于ELISA检测。

  • In order to find out whether rhG-CSF is effective to WBC decrease disease induced by food toxin WBC decrease disease models induced by T-2 toxin .

    为探讨rhG-CSF对食物 中毒致模型动物白细胞(WBC)减少症的有效性,以 T-2毒素中毒致WBC减少症模型进行了研究。

  • Methods T 2 toxin in pyridine reacted with succinic anhydride in a steam bath and converted to T 2HS . At the presence of EDPC T 2HS conjugated with BSA then BSA T 2HS was prepared .

    方法T-2 毒素与琥珀酸酐在吡啶参与下于蒸汽浴中反应,生成T-2-半琥珀酸酐后,再与小牛血清白蛋白经碳二亚胺偶联结合生成 T-2 毒素抗原。