total depreciation

[ˈtotl dɪˌpriʃiˈeʃən][ˈtəutəl dɪˌpri:ʃi:ˈeɪʃən]

[经] 折旧总额

  • It is at all-time lows against currencies from the Singapore dollar to the Swiss franc against which its total depreciation over the last decade is now 56 per cent .

    美元兑多种货币的汇率,从新加坡元到瑞士法郎,如今都位于历史低位,过去十年中对这些货币 贬值 总计达56%。

  • Over the entire life of the asset however both the straight-line method and accelerated methods recognize the same total amount of depreciation .

    然而,在资产的整个使用年限内,直线折旧法和加速折旧法确认的 折旧 总额是相同的。

  • Replacement total price of the key machines & equipments was composed of equipment fee installation fee other fee and capital cost ; the depreciation was determined in the ways of engineering appraisal .

    其他机器设备为通用设备和车辆,需安装的设备重置 价由设备 原价、运杂费、安装费和基础费组成;

  • Value-added tax changing from production to consumption the enterprise 's total taxes will be identical using either depreciation method of double decline balance or sum of years digits method ;

    由生产型转向消费型,采用双倍余额 递减法与年数和法给企业带来的 整体税收节约 一样多;

  • In any case of vehicle damages Party B shall compensate party A an amount at ten ( 10 ) per cent total expenses for damage caused by accelerated depreciation .

    乙方发生行车事故,无论有无责任,均按事故 修理费的 10%补偿甲方车辆的 残值 损失

  • It also can write off the total value of the systems in the year they are built an accounting benefit called accelerated depreciation .

    谷歌还可以 报销今年安装的太阳能系统的成本,这称为加速 折旧的会计收益。

  • Private equity-owned Harrah 's whose total debt of about $ 22bn is a hefty 11 times last year 's earnings before interest tax depreciation and amortisation is in a different position .

    私人股本公司拥有的哈拉娱乐集团(Harrah's)的情况则不同。该公司约220亿美元的 债务,是去年未计利息、税项、 折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)的足足11倍。

  • The strengths of the income approach are : best measurement of total depreciation of all assets ; recognition of economics .

    收益法的优点是:对全部资产 陈旧 贬值进行测算是最好的;辨别经济性 陈旧

  • The total investment was 0.995 million and the operating cost was 133 yuan / m3 residual sludge without the equipment depreciation . Sludge was disposed effectively and it produced good environmental benefits too .

    项目投资 99.5万元,不计设备 折旧运行费用为133元/m3剩余污泥,污泥在得到有效处理的同时也产生了良好的环境效益。