


  • The system meets the requirement of reliability toughness economical efficiency and easy-using .

    系统满足了可靠性、 健壮性、经济性和易用性的要求。

  • The specimen size requirements of determining fracture toughness are also presented .

    提出了断裂 韧性测试中必须注意的试样尺寸要求。

  • Effects of mechanical heterogeneity on fracture toughness and crack deviation angle of the joints were investigated by experiment .

    通过试验研究了力学不均匀性对接头断裂 韧性和裂纹开裂角的影响。

  • Toughness distributions of different area on HAZ of grade X80 pipeline steel have been studied .

    研究了X80级管线钢焊接热影响区不同区域的 韧性分布。

  • The effect of RE modification on the microstructure and impact toughness of wear resistant white cast iron are investigated .

    研究了稀土变质处理对耐磨铸铁显微组织及冲击 韧性的影响。

  • It possesses a balance of performance properties such as good flexibility toughness and abrasion resistance .

    它具备了如良好的弹性, 韧性和耐磨性的表现性能的平衡。

  • This grade has excellent flow and improved ambient and low temperature toughness .

    本级具有良好的流动和改善环境和低温 韧性

  • The degree of crystallinity is important because it affects toughness and mechanical strength .

    结晶度很重要,因为它会影响产品的 韧性和机械强度。

  • The hardness wear resistance and impact toughness of the alloy were tested .

    测试了试样的硬度、磨损性和冲击 韧性

  • The effects of loading rate and specimen net thickness on tearing toughness were investigated .

    考察了加载速率和试件厚度对撕裂 韧性的影响。

  • Good toughness and impact and vibration resistance .


  • It possesses the combination of strength and toughness and has excellent chemical and abrasion resistance .

    它具有强度和 韧性的结合,并具有良好的化学和耐磨损性。

  • The production of high strength and toughness steel plates used for pipeline by Nb microalloying process was introduced .

    阐述了利用铌微合金化技术生产高强 韧性管线用钢板的工艺技术。

  • Many alloys also have high fracture toughness which means they can withstand impact and are durable .

    许多合金还具有高断裂 韧性,这意味着它们能经得起冲击并且是耐用的。

  • Materials selection : requires high temperature strength toughness hardness and wear resistance .

    钢材选择:需兼具高温强度, 韧度,高温硬度和抗磨损;

  • Stiffness strength and toughness of perfect balance .

    劲度、强度和 韧度的完美平衡。

  • Monoglycerides can improve dough elasticity toughness and strength .

    单甘酯可提高面团弹性、 韧性和强度;

  • He brings experience and toughness and adds another shooter he said .

    “他带来了经验和 韧性,并增加了另一射手,”他说。

  • For high strain of toughness and good wear resistance .

    在高应力条件下具有好的 韧性和高的耐磨性。

  • Toughness high strength self-sharpening abrasive .


  • She had the combined talents of toughness intellect experience and unsullied reputation

    她刚强果敢、才智 超群、经验丰富,而且名声没有任何污点。

  • Only the hardness and elasticity and toughness of the steel is not good steel ;

    只有硬度而没有弹性和 韧性的钢材称不上好钢;

  • The relationship between fracture toughness and notch toughness tensile ductilities in lath martensite steel has been investigated .

    研究了超高强度板条马氏体钢的平面应变断裂 韧性与缺口韧性、拉伸塑性之间的关系。

  • The mechanical properties of polymers generally include low strength and high toughness .

    聚合材料的机械性能一般表现为低强度和高 韧性

  • Fine grain grade with high hardness and high toughness .

    具有高硬度和高 韧性,晶粒度为细级别的牌号。

  • Steel is well known for its high strength good plasticity good toughness and weldability .

    钢以其高强度、良好的塑性、 韧性和焊接性而著称。

  • Description : - Special wear resistant manganese steel featuring high toughness and excellent weldability .

    说明:-特别耐磨锰钢,具有高 韧性和优良的可焊性。

  • The morphology of the tensile fracture shows toughness fracture for the mix microstructure .

    拉伸端口形貌说明这种 马氏体混合组织的拉伸断裂为 韧性断裂。

  • The effect of flux basicity on the microstructures and toughness of SAW deposited metals on pipe line was investigated .

    研究了焊剂碱度对管线钢埋弧焊熔敷金属显微组织和 韧性的影响。