


  • The Pan - Totemic Methodology in the Study of Ancient History

    古史研究中的泛 图腾

  • Supply and demand is a fundamental economic concept and unemployment is a totemic economic problem .

    供求是一个基本的经济概念,失业是一个 标志 的经济问题。

  • The Chinese ancestors living in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River left numerous excellent pottery sculptures such as the Owl Kettle which had a totemic meaning .

    黄河中上游地区先民给 后人留下不少陶塑 杰作。如枭形壶, 可能含有 某种 图腾 崇拜的意义。

  • The religion of ancient Egypt emerged from the worship of tribal deities represented as totemic animals .

    古埃及的宗教信仰产生于对以 图腾动物为代表的部落神的膜拜。

  • Such functions and contexts were mainly revealed in purposes of practical usages artistic decoration primitive witchcrafts animal worships and totemic worships etc.

    这些功能和内涵主要表现为实用与审美装饰、原始巫术、动物崇拜和 图腾崇拜等方面。

  • Totemic beliefs and ethnic identification & Taking the frog totemic beliefs Zhuang nationality in GuangXi province for example


  • The range of tremor totem with totemic mastery is now properly reflected in the tooltip .

    图腾掌握 天赋 战栗图腾的距离会正确显示。

  • Chinese and Japanese heterogamous stories originate from totemic in which the virtual sexual relationship between man and animals is one of its kernel contents .

    中日异物婚恋故事产生的原因最早源于 图腾 崇拜,人与动物虚拟的性爱关系是其中的核心主题。

  • The totemic belief of different ethnic groups often include an abundance of national memories and ethnic identification because it has a series of commemorative activities .

    不同族群的 图腾信仰常常包含着该 族群丰富的民族记忆和族群的身份认同,因为 图腾信仰 构成族群 整体 的纪念活动。

  • Generally the hominine totemic animals are excluded from Greek mythology .

    希腊神话明显排斥人格 图腾动物。

  • In early civilization many nationalities carved their adored totems on columns because of their reverence for columns . The author has a research on totemic columns according to the totem theory in anthropology .

    正因为柱的神圣性,早期文化中不少民族将所崇拜的图腾雕刻在立柱上,本文运用了人类学中关于图腾的理论对 图腾柱进行了研究。

  • Introduction : this is a totemic masterpiece with mystical concept .

    作品简介:这是一件含有神秘概念的 图腾作品。

  • Study of totemic theory in Chu Ci

    楚辞研究中的 图腾

  • A totemic warrior who strikes foes with weapons imbued with elemental power .

    一个用充满元素力量来制造攻击的 图腾战士。

  • But in 2012 for the first time since the turn of the century China will grow at less than the totemic figure of 8 per cent a year .

    但在2012年,进入本世纪以来第一次,中国经济年增速将降到8%以下(8在中国是个 数)。

  • Ayear ago the totemic pairing of China and India dominated the Westernpress .

    一年前,中印 结对的图景就占据了西方的媒体。

  • For shamans since totemic casting is such a big part of who they are it was natural to make that a part of their quest .

    对撒满来说, 图腾的释放对 职业而言是很重要的一部分,很自然的就能将其制作成任务的一部分。

  • Though smaller than it was the rebate remains totemic .

    尽管退款没有 以前 那么多了,但是它还是 象征 存在