


  • The civil law of different countries has two statuses & tort law mainly and contracts law mainly which have these as a background to systematic comparative study . It summarizes the different and connection of the tortious liability of omission in different counties of these two status .

    以各国民事法律呈现的状态&大侵权法和大合同法为背景对不作为侵权责任进行系统化比较研究,总结了这两种状态下各国有关不作为 侵权责任相关理论的区别与联系。

  • As stated in Tortious Liability Law such liability is a tort liability in nature with components as following : the illegal act of violating the duty the consequence the causality and negligence .


  • Tortious liability between spouses differs in characteristics from that of a general tort .

    夫妻 侵权责任具有与一般侵权责任不同的特征。

  • On the Basics and Application of Causation Doctrine of Causative Potency in Tortious Activities ; The theory of relative causality is reasonable and influential among the theories of causality in criminal law .

    原因力的因果关系理论基础及其 具体应用在刑法 因果关系的理论中,相当因果关系理论较有影响,也具有相当合理性的特点。

  • Being in an affiliating status tortious liability of liquidation obligor can serve a function to realize specific judicial policy .

    清算义务人的 侵权责任具有实现特定司法政策的功能,处于辅助性的地位。

  • From Conceptual Function to Coverage Determination : Reflections upon the Definition of Tortious Conduct under Systematic Thinking Model

    从概念功能到视域选择&体系化思维模式下的 侵权行为定义思考

  • A tortious act infringing upon the right of communication through information network in Internet information services shall be under the jurisdiction of the copyright administration department at the place where the tortious act was conducted .

    侵犯互联网信息服务活动中的信息网络传播权的行为由 侵权行为实施地的著作权行政管理部门管辖。

  • Tortious liability of omission refers to the liability caused by omission which has acting obligation .

    不作为 侵权责任是由于具有作为义务的人的不作为而导致的侵权责任。

  • When patent right is infringed you can consign our office to proceed against tortious person to court .

    专利权受到侵犯时,可以委托本所向人民法院起诉 侵权者,或向管理专利工作 部门 请求 处理 侵权者。

  • This paper mainly researches the possibility and necessity of using economic analysis in studying the law system of tortious act within medical area .

    主要研究在医学领域内 侵权行为的法律制度的经济学分析的可能性和必要性。

  • Tort liability law should set up general clause of tortious liability of omission classify omission infringement and should concretely list the types of omission infringement that existed in legislation and practice .

    侵权责任法应当设立不作为 侵权责任的一般条款,并以 介入因素为标准对不作为侵权进行类型化,具体列举我国立法或实践中已经存在的不作为侵权形态。

  • On June 16 New York State Supreme Court Justice Jeffrey Oing issued a 63-page decision in which he found that retailer J.C. Penney JCP 2.78 % had committed tortious interference in its attempt to develop a Martha Stewart store inside JC Penney stores .

    6月16日,纽约州最高法院华裔法官翁家驹给出长达63页的判决书,认定零售商J.C.Penney公司试图在J.C.Penney商场中开玛莎·斯图沃特(MarthaStewart)店面属 侵权干扰行为。

  • Looking at the system of civil law in china we will find that there is no specific provision about tortious liability of omission only embodied in the general clauses of tortious liability and the relative provisions of civil obligation .

    而纵观我国民事法律体系,也没有明确不作为 侵权责任的 法律条文,不作为侵权方面的 法律 依据零散的体现在侵权责任的一般性条款和关于民事义务的相关规定中。

  • Highway enterprises should bear the environmental tortious liability resulting from damages of traffic noise pollution .

    公路经营企业应对道路交通噪声污染损害承担环境 侵权责任。

  • With the progress of society and the development of science and technology the contents of tort law and the classifications of tortious acts have been changing constantly .

    而随着社会进步与科学技术的发展,侵权行为法的内容和 侵权行为的类型也在不断发生变化。

  • The contract liability and tortious liability are two main pillars of the traditional civil liability system .

    传统民事责任体系以契约责任和 侵权责任为两大支柱。

  • Accordingly constructing the system of the tortious liability in our country .

    从而,来构建我国的 作为 侵权责任体系。

  • What should be clearly defined is the confirmation and responsibility of tortious liability concerning sunshine interests violation on the basis of re-examination .

    应当就日照权的 侵权责任认定、承担责任的方式等,在重新审视的基础上加以明确规定。

  • A party who induces or assists another party without or with limited civil capacity in committing a tortious act shall have tort liability .

    教唆、帮助无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人实施 侵权行为的,应当承担侵权责任;

  • The compromise that reachs according to3 companies and judiciary agreement they need not admit him existence is tortious but must be fine of this pay a huge sum .

    根据三家公司和司法部达成的和解协议,它们不必承认自己存在 非法 行为,但须为此缴纳巨额罚金。

  • As an ancient and eternal scale on law of tort the fault principle broke the ancient principle of tortious liability which is the results of punitive and brutal and set objective and rational of moral benchmarks .

    作为侵权行为法的一把古老而永恒的标尺,过错 侵权责任原则打破了古代侵权结果责任原则的惩罚性和野蛮性,树立了客观理性的道德基准。

  • This paper also discusses the problems of protection of sports star when they are died web tortious superposition of infringe privacy right and infringe reputation right .

    也探讨了体育明星死后的隐私保护问题、网络 侵权问题和侵犯隐私权与侵犯名誉权的重叠问题。

  • The clarification of holding the third party to the tortious liability for damages in specific circumstances ;

    应明确第三者在特定情况下的 侵权损害赔偿责任;

  • One day wearing KNIE baboosh that is suppose to be tortious riding a bicycle that is full of rust I floundered along the ZHONGHUANGXI road with elegance .

    某日,我穿着有 侵权嫌疑的 KNIE拖鞋,骑着长着铁锈的自行车,很优闲的辗转在中环西路上。

  • There is no restriction on the range of interests that protected by tort law in the France Civil Code which is known as an unrestricted tortious composing .

    法国民法典不限制侵权法保护利益的范围,是非限定性的 侵权构成。

  • Analyzing and handling the different situation of coincidence of tortious liability and default liability reasonable will play an important role in protecting the legal interests of clients .

    合理分析和处理违约责任和 侵权责任竞合的不同情形,对 最大 限度地维护当事人的合法权益会起到积极作用。

  • Medical liability includes the default liability of medical contract and tortious liability the court respecting the patient 's right of choice agrees with the contract law .

    医疗责任包括医疗服务合同违约责任和 侵权责任,人民法院尊重受害人的 请求选择权完全符合《合同法》 总则 分则规定的要求。