topological sort

[计] 拓扑排序,拓扑分类

  • With the feedback of fusion graph in consideration the requirements and characteristics of topological sorting for parallel prediction were analyzed and an algorithm with comparatively small computational and storage complexities was proposed for the topological sort of fusion graphs .

    结合融合图的反馈性,深入分析了并行性预测拓扑排序的要求和性质,提出了一种针对融合图进行并行性预测 拓扑 排序的实现算法,此算法的计算和存储复杂度都比较小。

  • For more parallel this paper proposes and implements topological sort algorithm by stages .

    为增加活动安排的并行性,文章提出并实现了分阶段 拓扑 排序算法。

  • Layered Topological Sort and its Algorithm Design

    分层 拓扑 排序及其算法设计与实现

  • The topological sort is an important operation of directed graphs .

    拓扑 排序是有向图的一种重要运算。

  • This is done by using a topological sort algorithm on the graph .

    这通过图表中的 拓扑 排序算法实现。

  • A New Method of Topological Sort ── Enumerative Topological Sort

    一种新的 拓扑 排序方法&枚举拓扑排序

  • In this paper a new algorithm is adopted to generate the arc arc topological relationship on the same vertices which applies the comparison of external product of vector to directly sort the arcs without the calculation of the value of the parameter and other trivial operations .

    对于同一结点上弧段之间的 拓扑关系建立提出一种新的算法,运用计算几何学原理,通过各线段的矢量外积直接进行比较 排序

  • Topological Sort in Algorithm for Serialization of Concurrent Control

    拓扑 排序在并发控制可串行化算法中的应用

  • Process planning optimization based on genetic algorithm and topological sort algorithm for digraph

    基于遗传算法与有向图 拓扑 排序的工艺路线优化

  • Extension Research on Topological Sort

    拓扑 排序 算法的拓展研究

  • Appling the method of digraph topological sort to deduce all feasible the assembly disassembly sequence and evaluation model of disassembly assembly process .

    并利用有向图 拓扑 排序原理快速地推理出产品所有可行的拆装顺序,和拆装顺序评价模型。

  • This paper discusses the application of adjacency matrix at the algorithm 's analysis for traversing Graph Minimum cost Spanning Tree Topological sort and Critical Path .

    对邻接矩阵在图的遍历、最小生成树、 拓扑 排序和关键路径等算法分析上的应用作了一定的探讨。

  • If you need a more esoteric kind of sort routine you might want to check out the tsort command which performs a topological sort on a file .

    如果需要某种更深奥的排序方法,您可能要查看tsort命令,该命令对文件执行 拓扑 排序

  • PTSA provides many possible choices for all sub-projects in a project which will be arranged in serial or parallel way so PTSA improves the applied value of Topological Sort Algorithm .

    PTSA算法为工程中各子工程的串行或并行安排提供了确定的选择,提升了 拓扑 排序算法的实用价值。

  • A New Topological Sort Algorithm and It s Value in Theory and Practice

    一个新的 拓扑 排序算法及其理论和实际意义

  • The paper discusses the data structures of the algorithm and presents the implementation of the algorithm using pseudocode . At last an application of the certain algorithm is given and its results show that the overall topological sort algorithm has high availability and exactitude .

    并讨论了算法中用到的数据结构,以及算法的伪代码实现,通过一个应用实例验证了全 拓扑 排序算法的实用性和正确性。

  • The paper presents the definition of AOV network and the thinking of topological sort algorithm then it analyzes defect of the traditional topological sort algorithm afterwards it brings forward an overall topological sort algorithm .

    给出了AOV网的定义及 拓扑 排序算法思想,分析了传统拓扑算法的不足,提出了一个全拓扑排序求解算法。

  • A Parallel Algorithm for Topological Sort in Directed Graphs

    一种有向图并行性 拓扑 排序算法

  • Application of Topological Sort and Strongly Connected Components in Source Analysis

    拓扑 排序和强连通 算法在源代码分析中的应用连结, 通过 强直法来 或连结 关节

  • AOV-network Representation and Topological Sort Analysis of Process Planning in CAPP Systems

    CAPP系统工艺决策过程的AOV-网表示法及 拓扑 排序分析

  • The algorithm and realization of generating process plan module is the core of the snake-like pipe CAPP system . Describe its implement principle and present a algorithm which process plan can be generated automatically by accomplishing the topological sort on two level AOV-Network .

    详细介绍蛇形管CAPP系统的主要模块、工艺规程生成模块的实现原理,并提出用两级AOV-网的数据结构经 拓扑 排序后自动生成工艺路线的算法。

  • The topologic distant tree is able to shows intentionally the topological differences among gene trees and be used to sort genes into groups .

    基因的拓扑距离树能直观地反映不同基因树的 拓扑 结构差异 大小,可用来 基因进行分群。

  • Applying Finite Automat and Topological Sort To Improve Efficiency Of MIS Development

    用有限自动机和 拓扑 排序理论提高MIS开发效率

  • Beginning with the construction of precedence graph and topological sort this paper researchs algorithm of serialization of concurrent control and illustrates its application with an example .

    该文从构造并发控制可串行化的前趋图出发,利用 拓扑 排序进一步研究了并发控制可串行化的算法,详细阐述了冲突可串行和状态可串行化的测试算法并运用在实例中。

  • The model uses feature nodes as element to describe graphic topological structure and geometric characteristics conversely and then a sort of comparable essential cell for graphic is formed .

    以特征点为要素逆向描述图形的 拓扑结构和几何特征, 从而形成图形可比对的基本单元。

  • This paper introduces Layered Topological Sort ( LTP ) concept which is different from topological sort .

    介绍分层 拓扑 排序概念以及它与拓扑排序的区别。