trace line

[tres laɪn][treis lain]

[计] 跟踪行

  • If code has been compiled with debugging information the corresponding portions of the stack trace will contain line numbers .

    如果代码编译时加入了调试信息,那么 堆栈的相应部分会包含 行号

  • Drawing the Influence Line of the Two-hinged Arch by the Methed of Unit Force Trace Line

    用单位力 轨迹 线作两铰拱影响线

  • Study on Determination of trace iron (ⅲ) on line

    痕量铁的 在线监测研究

  • Study on solution of engaging tooth contact point trace line by network method

    网络法求解 啮合齿面接触 迹线的研究

  • According to the operation mode of Qing-Zang line how to use the satellite orientation sysem to trace the train on the line dynamically was introduced in the paper in order to provide the fast and convenient way for railway traffic organization .

    结合青藏线运营模式,介绍了如何借助卫星定位,对 沿线列车实施动态 跟踪,为运输组织提供了便捷有效的途径。

  • The Impact of Different Structures of Guard Trace on PCB-level Differential Line Pairs Crosstalk

    防护 布线的结构对 PCB板级差分对之间串扰的影响

  • Dual trace oscilloscope with delay line

    附有延迟 线的双 示波器

  • HOW TO DO IT : Find the perfect position for an off-centre parting is to trace a line up from the inner edge of my right eye and then part my hair directly in alignment with that point .

    方法:找到完美的中心偏离 就是 寻找到右眼的内侧边缘,然后对准这点对头发进行分向梳理。

  • They trace their line of descent back to a French duke .

    他们 追溯他们的 世系脉络至法国一个公爵。

  • As my finger tips trace line and curve they discover the thought and emotion which the artist has portrayed .

    当我的指尖摸索着起伏的 线条时,它们自会发现艺术家作画时的想法和激情。

  • Trace electric line routing and cut tie-wraps as required .

    需要 记录 电线布线并切断系带。

  • Determination of trace elements in hair using spectral line width

    利用谱 线宽度测人发中的 微量元素

  • It is often a chain stitch machine and the size of the buttonhole can be altered to suit with requirements . Calculation of Gravity Centre and Section Trace Line Shape of Elliptical Head

    它是一台链式线迹缝纫机,纽洞的大小可以根据需要调节。椭圆封头的重心及剖 切迹 线形状的计算

  • Proceed from the geometric theory a kind of geometric condition for the existence of trace of straight line and circle was proved in this paper .

    从几何定理出发,证明了 直线、圆 轨迹存在的一种几何条件;

  • A Study on Tooth Contract-Point Trace Line and Meshing Backlash of Engaged Gears

    相啮合齿面接触 迹线和各点间隙的研究

  • Trace the roll line darts and seam allowances from the entire jacket front pattern piece . Match the lengthwise direction of the interfacing to the grain line of the pattern piece .

    从整个前身纸样裁片上 下驳口 线、省道和缝份,衬布的经向与纸与纸样裁片的丝绺一致。

  • Trace wheel through pivot paper line A to BP .

    盘在旋转纸上画 线,从A1点到胸点。

  • A new type wheel / rail relationship is applied which takes the difference of wheel / rail compression between right and left rail and wheel / rail separation into accounts . The trace line method is introduced to solve the wheel / rail space contact geometry .

    引入新型轮轨关系假设,利用 迹线法求解轮轨空间几何,并考虑了左右轮轨不均匀压缩以及轮轨脱离情况。

  • This paper introduced a new method automatically generating components outline Chinese characters by processing stroke outline Chinese characters with the boolean operation in graphics and improved the method to trace the shared line to process the special point of intersection .

    本文提出运用图形学中布尔运算的方法对笔划轮廓汉字进行自动处理而生成部件轮廓汉字,并对传统的布尔运算中的重合 线段 跟踪、特殊交点的处理进行有效的改进。

  • Trace inside the roll line and remove the seam allowance from the front edge and peak of the lapel .

    出里面的翻领 线,去掉门襟止口处尖驳头处的缝份。

  • Here is the breakdown of each trace entry line and the information it provides

    以下是每个 跟踪条目 及其提供的信息的详细说明

  • On the Aesthetic Standards of Brush Trace & Point . Line . and Surface in Western Painting

    论西方油画 笔触&点、 线、面的审美意识

  • Surely the mercury did not trace this line in any of the dimensions of Space generally recognized ?

    气压表里的水银绝对不是在公认的空间三维的意义上 勾划 线的?

  • The principle of a CNC cutting machine for intersecting line and the design of CNC software are introduced which incorporates the integral linear interpolation algorithm to achieve the trace control of a intersecting line cutting machine .

    阐述一种计算机数控相贯线切割机的 轨迹控制原理及数控软件设计,采用数字积分直线插补算法来实现相贯 线切割机的 轨迹控制。

  • Relationships of Three Angels in Trace line Plane


  • The principle method and relative influence factors of the trace line of PE pipe are introduced .

    介绍了PE管 示踪 线的探测原理和方法及相关影响因素。

  • Method trace is invoked on the command line by adding the methods keyword token as well as setting the value of mt to one of the destination keywords ( maximal minimal print ) .

    在命令 上调用方法 跟踪的办法是,添加methods关键字标志并将mt设置给目的地关键字之一(maximal、minimal、print)。

  • This paper analyzes tranmission characteristic of printed circuit board trace by using transmission line theory and it can provide reference for routing in printed circuit board .

    利用传输 线理论定量分析印刷电路板 印制 线的传输特性,为印刷电路板的布线设计提供依据。

  • This article attempts to trace the past of line analysis and summary the classification of line investigate this life of line . Through the analysis of sculpture lines elaborate the effect of aesthetics in the sculpture .

    本文试图在雕塑作品 追溯 线的前世,分析总结线的分类,探讨线的今生,通过对雕塑中线条的分析阐述其在雕塑中的美学作用。