toxic anemia

[ˈtɑksɪk əˈnimiə][ˈtɔksik əˈni:mi:ə]


  • Conclusion Long time exposure to DNT could inhibit antioxidation ability induce toxic hemolytic anemia and liver injury and the suggesting MAC and TWA of DNT in workplace should be 05mg / m3 / m3 respectively .

    结论DNT主要抑制机体抗氧化能力,易导致 中毒性溶血 贫血,可对肝脏产生不良影响。建议作业场所空气中的DNT的MAC为05mg/m3,TWA浓度为03mg/m3。

  • Application of the Heat and Toxic Materials Clearing Method in the Disease of Chronic Aplastic Anemia

    浅谈清热 解毒法在慢性 再障治疗中的应用