written decision

[ˈrɪtn dɪˈsɪʒən][ˈrɪtn diˈsiʒən]


  • Written decision of settlement includes all processing information as well as payment and other measures the decision would be known to the public with an open mode but still limited by business secrets .

    和解决 包括各个阶段的处理信息,和解金和其他和解措施是重点,和解决定采取开放式公开模式,但也受商业秘密公布不能的限制。

  • These letters are often written in response to an advertisement that we have seen in the paper a magazine a commercial on television when we are interested in purchasing a product but would like more information before making a decision .

    这些 信件经常是在在报纸、杂志和商业广告上看到自己感兴趣想要购买的产品之后而做出的反应,但我们希望在做 决定前了解相关产品的更多信息。

  • Other concerted action means that business operators have concerted actions in practice though there isn 't any written or oral agreement or decision .

    其他协同行为是指经营者虽未 明确订立 书面或者口头形式的协议或者 决定,但实质上存在协调一致的行为。

  • The written decision and the list of compensation separation shall be signed and confirmed by the organizations with joint compensation obligation .

    决定 和赔偿金额分割单应当由共同赔偿义务机关签章确认。

  • The written decision of administrative reconsideration shall have legal effect once delivered to the concerning party .

    行政复议 决定 一经送达,即发生法律效力。

  • Which shall be signed or sealed by the party concerned ; where the party concerned is not present the written decision shall be served to that party by other means within 7 days according to law .

    由当事人在送达回证上签名或盖章;当事人不在场的,应当在7日内依法采取其他方式 送达当事人。

  • We 've written before about the decision to add to the family in tough economic times .

    此前我们讨论过经济困难时期家庭所需要做的 决定

  • If the person is a legal person or other organization the written decision shall be delivered to its reception office for a signed receipt .


  • A written decision on change signed by all general partners or all persons stipulated in the partnership agreement ; and3 .

    全体普通合伙人签署的变更 决定 或者合伙协议约定的人员签署的变更 决定书;

  • On Wednesday his office said in a written statement that it was reviewing the ruling and will make final determination of whether or not to appeal one or more of the issues in the decision within the coming weeks .

    周三,雷耶斯办公室发表的一份 书面声明中称判决正在复审当中,并在接下来的几周中会最终决定是否对该案的 判决提起上诉。

  • May be the executive authority ( the principal ) on the administrative counterpart of the administrative penalties for violations when necessary to produce a written decision on administrative penalty is not standardized .

    可行政机关(主体)对行政相对人的行政违法行为进行处罚时所必需制作的行政处罚 决定 没有规范。

  • Written for software developers the book assumes the reader is intelligent but has no background in business decision methods .

    本书 面向软件开发人员,假设读者非常聪明但并不拥有业务 决策方法的背景知识。

  • Delivering the written decision of maritime administrative punishment to the party concerned on the spot ; and Having the party concerned sign on the counterpart of the written decision of maritime administrative punishment .

    将海事行政处罚 决定 当场交付当事人;当事人在海事行政处罚决定书副本上签字。

  • In cases where penalty decision should be separated from penalty payment as required by state provisions the party involved must pay fines at the agencies authorized by the financial department by presenting the written decision on administrative penalty .

    凡国家规定罚款决定与罚款收缴相分离的,要由当事人持行政处罚 决定 到财政部门委托的代收机构缴纳罚款;

  • Where the people 's court decides on the suspension of execution it shall make a written decision concerning the suspension of execution and serve it to the party concerned in time .

    人民法院决定暂缓执行的,应当制作暂缓执行 决定 ,并及时送达当事人。

  • From different angles it has been widely accepted by many countries especially those of Anglo-American of written law and the court 's decision is just based on the lawmaking stipulation .

    世界上许多国家特别是 英美法系 国家都从不同角度或层面对其给予了充分肯定。

  • Any party who is not satisfied with an administrative penalty may institute proceedings in a people 's court within three months from receipt of the written decision of the administrative penalty .

    当事人对行政处罚不服的,可以在收到行政处罚 决定 三个月内向人民法院起诉。

  • From the legal authority to establish improve work efficiency and quality of the legal effect of publicity and scientific assessment examination and prevention of corruption in perspective of the normative power of the written decision of administrative penalty importance .

    从树立法律权威、提高工作效率和质量、法律宣传效果、科学评估考核和预防权力腐败角度阐述规范行政处罚 决定 的重要意义。

  • The examining and approving agency shall give a written reply within one month of receiving the application . ( 5 ) AEA is a unity composed of application examination and decision ;

    审批机构应在接到申请 之日起一个月内予以 批复。(5)行政审批是由申请、审查、 决定一系列行为构成的统一体;

  • A people 's court shall make a verbal or written decision on a litigant 's application for withdrawal within three days of filing the application . During the period of reconsideration the person who is challenged shall not stop exercising his functions in the case .

    人民法院对当事人提出的回避申请,应当在申请提出的三日内,以口头或者 书面 形式 作出 决定。复议期间,被申请回避的人员,不停止参与本案的工作。