writing bar


  • Writing status bar history to a log file

    将状态 历史 写到日志文件

  • Quasi-individual Writing the Bar of Desire and Something else & Taking the New Sense School and the Post 70s Writing Group as An Example

    准个体 写作、欲望 酒吧及其它&以新感觉派和70年代后另类女性写作群为例

  • Before writing this blog entry I spent the whole day in Zhu Zhiwen 's world reading all the posts in his fan bar on Baidu and watching all the video clips featuring him on Youku .

    在准备 这篇博客之前,我花了一整天沉浸在有关朱之文的世界里:我读完了朱 之文百度 里的所有帖子,我看完了优酷上有关朱之文的所有视频。

  • Research and implement shadow write which makes parallel execution of discontinuous write possible . Because the time which is spent in writing FAT is reduced progress bar will be shown in short time when copying files . 6 .

    研究并实现了影子写技术,使多个非连续写操作能够并行执行,减少了操作系统 FAT表的时间,使得拷贝文件的进度 能够很快出现在用户眼前。