trace vector

[tres ˈvɛktɚ][treis ˈvektə]


  • While dealing with the nonlinear perturbation which satisfies Lipchitz linear growth condition the matrix inequality condition in existing reports is removed by using the trace characteristic of vector and matrix such that the result is less conservative . 2 .

    在处理满足 Lipchitz线性增长条件的非线性扰动时,利用 向量和矩阵的秩性质,避免使用现有方法中的矩阵不等式约束条件,从而降低结果的保守性。

  • The vectors obtained from different common-offset trace gathers form a vector set in N-dimensional space .

    这些由不同偏移求得的向量就构成了 N维空间上的 向量集。

  • Automatic Trace of Vector Graphics Based on Corel Trace

    CorelTrace软件下 矢量图像的自动 跟踪