


  • Both transfigure a region in whose joyful chords dissonance as well as the terrible image of world fade delightfully away .

    两者都 美化了一个 境界那儿,在快乐的和谐中,一切不和谐的因素和恐怖的世界 影都 动人地消逝了;

  • Foam-polystyrene is a kind of material with super light but enough strenght its transfigure is very small with great load It can be used to eliminate the effect of jumping out of head bridge by using it for stuffing material .

    泡沫聚苯乙烯是一种超轻量又有足够强度的材料,在较大的荷载作用下,其 变形量很小,用它作台后路堤填料可消除桥头跳车。

  • They are transfigured by the healing powers of art

    他们因艺术的治疗效力 面貌

  • If only the substituents that come from opening of D-ring don 't transfigure the concave cavity of the molecule the biological activity of Taxol analogues will not decrease greatly .

    只要D环开环得到的取代基团不影响母环与 C13侧链所 构成 独特凹向空穴(疏水簇)的立体构型,活性就不会大大下降。

  • Along with the transfigure of operating mechanism of enterprises in China the statistics in them is transforming from its traditional planned economy pattern to its market-oriented economy pattern .

    随着企业经营机制的 转换,企业统计由传统的计划经济企业统计模式向市场经济企业统计模式转型。

  • Phil . 3:21 Who will transfigure the body of our humiliation to be conformed to the body of His glory according to His operation by which He is able even to subject all things to Himself .

    腓三21他要 他那甚至能叫万有归服自己的动力,将我们这 卑贱的身体 改变 形状使 于他荣耀的身体。

  • I cannot the transfigure but I may expose the smiling face ;

    我不能 改变 容貌,但我可以展露笑容。

  • Li 's works transfigure a micro view of natural elements ( such as water and air ) into a macro view of the universe and create contemplation that results from the changes between these two views .

    可以说, 他的作品从微观的水、空气等自然元素到宏观的宇宙, 传达了一种感官转变的冥想。

  • He smiled back which for an instant transfigured his unrevealing features .

    他回笑了一下,有那么一瞬间不动声色的脸上焕发出 容光

  • The light movements shall allow for a more whole and complete ascension to be fostered and a greater capacity to regenerate renew and transfigure the biology into full consciousness level DNA .

    光波能量运动,将允许一个更完整完全的提升被培育,以及更大能力来再生和将 生物体 到全意识水平的DNA中。