


  • A clinical study of blood purification on uremic pruritus in maintenance hemodialysis patients Treatment and nursing care of pruritus in toxuria patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis

    血液净化治疗尿毒症皮肤瘙痒的效果分析维持性血液透析尿毒症病人 瘙痒症的治疗与护理

  • Treatment and nursing care of pruritus in toxuria patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis

    维持性血液透析 尿毒症病人瘙痒症的治疗与护理

  • In type I diabetic patients who have a disease progress over 20 years 10 % would have nephropathy which would progress to terminal conditions such as toxuria .

    尤其以I型糖尿病病人 为主 I型糖尿病病程过20年,10%会有肾病,最终会发展为终末期肾病即 尿毒症