


  • Inspection installation and water tightness transducer of echo sounder on berth .

    测深仪 换能器船台安装和水密性检查。

  • Pitching vibration of ultrasonic bonding transducer can affect the bonding quality of IC .

    以超声键合 能系统为研究对象,分析了其俯仰振动对超声键合质量的影响。

  • A configuration of magnetostrictive transducer to excite torsional guided wave in steel pipe was investigated .

    对磁致伸缩扭转导波 传感器进行了实验研究。

  • The dynamic equation of force transducer is set up by using the FEM in this article .

    利用有限元法建立了力 传感器的动力学方程。

  • This new piezoelectric film is an excellent material for microwave composite resonator and acoustic transducer .

    苏尔兹型静止混合器为制作微波复合谐振器和微波声 换能器提供了性能优良的新型压电薄膜材料。

  • The characteristics of the signal conditioning circuit of this transducer are analyzed in detail .

    同时,详细分析了该 传感器的信号调理电路特点。

  • The piezoelectric transducer and the variable amplitude bar are designed by four-terminal network method .

    为说明设计方法,利用四端网络法对压电 换能器和变幅杆进行了设计。

  • The piezoelectric pressure transducer is applied to dynamic balancing measurement system for measuring the vibration caused by imbalanced mass .

    利用压电式力 传感器作为动平衡测量系统中的 敏感 元件来测量不平衡质量引起的振动。

  • The design and experiment result of the shock vibration peak transducer are introduced .

    介绍了冲击振动峰值 传感器设计和实验结果。

  • Research on Transducer and Data Acquisition System for 12-Electrode ECT

    12电极ECT 传感器和数据采集系统的研究

  • Meanwhile two examples about calibrating transducer 's dynamic response characteristic are given .

    同时,给出了采用正弦压力发生器校准 传感器动态特性的两个实例。

  • At same time the application of active current feedback data amplifier is introduced in amplifying signal of transducer .

    同时介绍了有源电流反馈数据放大器在 传感器信号 放大中的应用。

  • Application of PLC and Transducer in Ultrasonic Automatic Flaw Detection System

    PLC和 变频器在超声波自动探伤系统的应用

  • This article introduces many kinds of ultrasonic transducers transducer focus and digital beam forming technology .

    概述了各种超声医学成像换能器现状,以及 换能器聚焦和数字波束成像技术。

  • In this paper we present a frequency conversion electromotor system organized by voltage vector transducer and induction-motor .

    本文研究了用电压矢量 变频器和感应电动机构成的变频电动机系统。

  • It explained how can the system control the coal quantity exactly by using controller transducer and PLC .

    文中说明了该系统如何使用控制器、 变频器及PLC实现对给煤机给煤量的精确控制。

  • A portable broadband transducer using the radially polarized piezoelectric cylindrical tube has been designed and fabricated .

    利用径向极化的压电圆管制作了一种便携式宽频带 换能器

  • The measurement of length and the weight was realized using the servo system and the weight sensor with weight transducer .

    该设备采用伺服系统和带有重量 变送器的称重传感器,实现了长度和重量测量,提高了测量 精度 系统 稳定性

  • Application of the Optical Fiber Sensor and Underwater Acoustic Transducer on the Marine Technology

    光纤传感器和水声学及其 换能器在海洋技术上的应用

  • The relation of transmitting coefficient with transducer ′ s position was discussed with some theoretical algorithms and experiments .

    用理论计算和室内实验方法研究了 声波 采油 换能器位置与透射系数的关系。

  • The paper describes the error analysis for this accuracy angular position transducer and the method for eliminating the error .

    文中对这种高精度角位置 传感器产生误差原因进行了分析,并给出了有效消除误差的方法。

  • Faraday effect in magneto-optic glass fiber and its application to all-fiber current transducer are studied in this thesis .

    本文对磁光玻璃光纤的磁致旋光效应及其在全光纤电流 传感器中的应用进行了研究。

  • The system of the ultrasonic transducer is the key component of the bonding equipment in the thermosonic bonding system .

    在热超声键合系统中,超声 系统是键合装备的核心部分。

  • The dynamic optimum design of high-frequency ultrasonic transducer was studied to improve thermosonic packaging efficiency and reduce packaging temperature .

    为提高热超声封装效率、降低封装温度,研究了高频超声 换能器的动力学优化设计。

  • Pressure switch limit switch or analog transducer .

    压力开关、限制开关或模拟 传感器

  • A new type of microcomputer transducer of electric variables is introduced which is based on AC samples .

    介绍一种基于交流采样技术的新型微机 电量 变送器,并且针对其特点提出了对其 自检的方法。

  • Application of Transducer and PLC in the Reform of the Concentration Air-conditioning System


  • To enhance resolution of Ultrasonic Image System an ultrasonic transducer used for testing bimetal clad layer was developed .

    为了提高超声成像系统的分辨率,研制了用于检测双金属转子复合层扩散焊连接质量的超声 换能器

  • The structure and material of traducer elastomer were researched in order to develop a transducer for micro-electronic balance .

    为开发一种微型电子秤用小量程 传感器,文章对 传感器弹性体的材料和结构进行了研究。